
Social context isn’t the pretence; social context is the air that interactions breathe in, the water talking swims in. You’re pretending that people can interact in a frictionless spherical manner a la intro physics, which is both ignorant and self-defeating. Just like with physics, the real world doesn’t work like

Also, did THIS interaction between us start with “small talk”? HELL NO!

We would still be attracted to women if they wore burlap sacks.

Have you tried dating men?

Here’s the thing that I think frustrates a lot of women: We’ve been dealing with stuff like this (inconsistent sizing, having to order anything that’s not a straight size online and try it on/return if we don’t like, alter what we do like because it still doesn’t fit quite right) for forever. It’s no big whup for us,

Here, thanks to Yr Wonket (MUST CREDIT), is a summation from a few years ago about the American Id:

“You just made the list”

The questioning by Pelosi: based on the actual things Trump said and did.

Personally, I think that the anti-abortion hardline stance needs to go one step further. If abortion is murder then... directing, paying for, or driving your partner to get an abortion is conspiracy to commit murder.

One, they’re only logically consistent until you apply facts.
Two, even then it’s not honest.
Three, I don’t appreciate it.
Four, this is the same argument people made for Ron Paul and I’m so glad that we’re not living in his Mad Max libertarian hellscape because he sank the Federal Government out of principle.
Five, I’ve

a mother of an aborted baby is considered untouchable whereas any other mother, killing any other family member, would be called what she is: a murderer.

I’m thrilled with the consolation prizes if the first place prize would have been watching a despotic self-appointed “liberator” succeed in conquering a country she has never stepped foot in before and assume  her “rightful” place on the throne because birthright. 

Same. It’s just... Dany’s whole thing since she got her dragons was that being the Queen of the 7 Kingdoms was her birthright and destiny, even though A) the people mostly did not want her, B) she had never been to Westeros until like last season, and had basically no knowledge of their issues or cultures, and C) her

The strength of their beliefs is irrelevant to their worthiness as a basis for law in a secular society.

I volunteered as a clinic worker in the 1990s, and we’d regularly see women who had been protesting get abortions and then sneak out the back entrance and be back on the line a few weeks later.  The hypocrisy was staggering.

Similar experience here, too. I was raised by an ultra conservative, Rush Limbaugh listening, George Bush supporting, Fox News watching mom, AND we were LDS! So I pretty much got the whole shebang of fucked up opinions towards all kinds of things, especially sex. A few years ago, I was in the early days of a new

To them, women are human beings, they are vessels created by God for men’s use.

I don’t give a fuck what you think.

Here’s some fun anti-Nazi news to cheer everyone up. One of the UKIP candidates for the South West region in the European Elections is some “trigger teh libs” “anti-feminazi/SJWs” YouTuber and even being someone who’s tuned in on to politics I had no idea he’s actually been out campaigning in these parts this week.