
I don’t know why you keep saying it’s only a few minutes. I’m quite sure that just about everybody on this thread would be fine with waiting 5 minutes or less. With the possible exception of the person who was leaving for work (because maybe he had to catch a train or bus, etc). I’ve been stopped by numerous PAs on

Excellent. And in all seriousness, I do want to thank you for the clear-eyed breakdown of the faults of all sides that you provide. I don’t follow the UK news(I’m American) as closely as I should, so in my own readings I just get the general gist of what shite May and her ilk are up to. And if not for your informed

My friend’s father tells a similar story.  He came of age late in the war, so by the time he got to where there was any action, the war was basically over.  And he was amazed at all these hardened, experienced German soldiers surrendering to a young kid.  He said even in surrender they were very impressive and

I think her point is that Congress should act, which they are by conducting investigations that are short of impeachment. Much of the country, even people who are strongly opposed to Trump, aren’t interested in impeachment. So in order to sway sentiment, they need to ensure that they have enough evidence to present.

Thank you for asking. My initial pro-choice stance was fueled mostly out of selfishness in case I ever got someone pregnant, and also out of an uncomfortableness about restricting a woman’s autonomy. Although I was always sure to vote for pro-choice candidates, I also worried that there was a chance that the folks who

“These people think/feel/believe ending a human life at any stage, starting at conception, is murder.”

“It’s hard to summon an argument with someone holding a picture of a bloody aborted fetus, to actually have a debate about the issues.”

Coal is dying because there are cheaper alternatives. That’s market economics, which the Republicans supposedly worship. Hillary was speaking the truth, unlike the Liar-in-Chief. The death of coal jobs is inevitable. But instead of confronting that reality, he says he’s gonna bring the jobs back. Even if the economics

Yes, this. It’s never been “only her enemies.” To be honest, I have been rooting for her to do this for a very long time because I found her tiresome. Her obsession with ruling a land that she’s never seen, and as many have pointed out wasn’t even her birthright anyway it was her brother’s (who her husband killed),

Here are some interesting stats that I saw in a Paul Krugman column a few weeks ago: 39% of West Virginians who have insurance are on Medicaid, 33% of West Virginian workers work in health care, 3% of West Virginians work in coal. And they voted for the guy and the party that is trying to cut back on Medicaid, trying

Seriously? This is your question? That’s what this article is about. Because Uber can afford to continue to lose money, so when they enter an area they lower the price to an unsustainable level to drive all the taxi companies out of business, then they jack up the price.  That’s the point.  In NYC the taxis are still

You will never have fully autonomous cars in a place like NYC.  Well, at least not until ALL cars are autonomous.  All day long in NYC you need to dodge obstacles as a driver by breaking rules that will have to be unbreakable for autonomous cars.  All day long trucks double-park in traffic lanes to make deliveries. 

The people who work part time would lose their income, but the people who drive professionally would go back to making a living wage by working for a real taxi company.

Me too!  On both counts!

And this idea that the number one priority of previous generations of immigrants was assimilation is such garbage too. Do you know what the biggest parade in America is? The St. Patrick’s Day parade in NYC. In its earliest days, it was only for the Irish. And why does Wisconsin have a celebrated Brat culture? Because

“Do you agree with this? Do you find men your own age to be more immature than you, haven’t unpacked their own baggage as much so to speak? Or do you think this is a copout so they can date younger women?”

You know, I don’t understand how they do it. Referring to your 36 year old fella. A friend of mine had a serious relationship end suddenly about 3 years ago, and he was devastated. He discovered Tinder, and went absolutely bonkers. He’s a good looking guy, and is pretty successful, so it was raining

Brendan DID show that the media reported on these attacks. Each of the hyperlinks are links to news reports of each attack. That’s the whole point of the article: “Here’s an example of a news report that Trump says didn’t happen, and here’s what Trump was concerned with that day.”

See, I disagree with this. I mean, in hindsight I agree. But Trump is so obviously such a disaster that at the time I thought the best thing to do was just let him be Trump. His side had an uncanny knack of turning anything that any other candidate did to his advantage, so I figured the best strategy was to not

Well, part of reading comprehension is inferring the author’s meaning. You’ve said repeatedly that they shouldn’t complain because they knew what they were signing up for. Your words: “And my point is that the cap isn’t some random sudden event that nobody knew was coming, it’s a standard thing (by the sound of