
Well, first of all, everything I’m writing is an opinion. Didn’t think I had to say that. Second, you need to stop pretending there is some science behind your assertion that people aren’t idiots. This is a value judgement. Other than the tautology that half of all people are below median intelligence, science can’t

I’m sorry but is there a Progressive Dem running in Alabama Dem primary? If yes, then voters should consider. If not (like in this case) then voters should stick with the Dem. But of course your post was to just get a bit of a piss up going.

Mom late with your pudding again...the struggle is real

Nah I’ll just be over here bathing after five days being that I had the sense to stop at a hotel/hostel/room rented in someone’s home before torturing an entire airplane of other people with my stench because I really wanted to see the orangutans and fuck every other great apes (e.g. humans).

I’m on Mike Pence’s Medicaid expansion plan and have had absolutely no trouble. It was as simple as signing up, getting approved and choosing between two providers. I pay my affordable premium every month, and see whatever doctor my PCP sends me to see. My policy covers vision, dental and prescriptions. People seem to

I appreciate that you concede that medical bills are outside the control of an individual.

No, they are not. A lot of folks can’t just wish their way out of it, asshole.

I have a horrible feeling he will get a second term. We’re fucked. I’ll vote against him of course, but it won’t matter. We only have the appearance of a Democracy now, we go through the motions of the Democratic process, but it’s just to keep us busy and under the impression that we still have a choice. The Impeacheme

I don’t believe there is anything Dems could have done that wouldn’t have Repubs acting exactly the same as they are now.

That’s why they’re so afraid of Mexicans coming over the border and stealing all of their cherry-picking jobs.

Well, if Meghan wants to sleep with common people, people like me; I’ll be happy to help her out.

Well generally when I lift on a bench I work out with a towel that i throw down where my head hits, same if i was to use a machine assisted weights where my head came in contact.

Again, I don’t think ANYBODY should be going to jail for these types of offenses. White people get arrested all the time without getting shot by the police, doesn’t mean I think the police should shoot more white people when making arrests. 

In other words, you are saying that progressives are petty, childish voters who would rather live through the discomfort of another four years of President Donald Trump than have to put themselves through the extraordinarily minor discomfort of supporting a candidate who is not perfectly aligned with them on every

Haley also said “In his mind, he believes it is a perfect call.”

For the latter part, the audience was killed off by a couple of stupid moves by the writing staff (namely blocking and greying most of the audience for simply not agreeing with them) and was barely pulling single thousands of views so in terms of standard business reorganisation it had failed to justify itself.

You're a troll.  Five people have pointed out to you how racist she is and how she didn't care about the caged children,  and you just ignored those people.  

I have sympathy for Barron, because he didn’t sign up for ant of this. Also Tiffany, who has stayed as far away as possible.

This joke is made more depressing by its most literal interpretation - that Donald Trump will still be Dictator President when those unborn kids are of voting age.

This place was a bit out of the way, one of those places people probably passed on a daily basis but never put that much thought into what had been going on there. Surprisingly really, given how it clearly stood out from another forgotten era compared to the places around it, one that people in this country