
Oh goodness what has happened to this country? We used to care about finding practical but effective solutions based on the science we had at the time and actually hold people accountable. We used to mock big tobacco when they tried to “prove“ cigarettes were not bad. We had win after win for labor, equal rights, and t

You’re not wrong; I almost prefaced my comment with a humblebrag disclaimer, then thought better of it. But I see what you did there with your “I went to Italy AND Germany” reply.

I really like “mitigate legal scenarios” because it is total nonsense. Legal pitfalls, sure, legal issues, ehh maybe, but legal scenarios would be anything that is legal or illegal. As written, I am reading it as he will mitigate all legal scenarios leaving you with only illegal options. At least go to a real

That’s true. But not all of us react to being small by deliberately trying to upset people in the dumbest, most telling-on-yourself way possible.

The holdup is over the status of Northern Ireland. Remember, the island of Ireland is divided between the Republic of Ireland, a sovereign state and member of the EU whose capital is Dublin, and Northern Ireland - a province in the United Kingdom whose capital is in London (normally it is administered by an assembly

We need to listen to both sides of the issue - the people who survived being shot and those who are dead.

Can you imagine even a fraction of this being redirected? “Magers was convicted today of two counts of irresponsible insemination. In addition to his mandatory sex education training, he will be required to listen to a recording of his partner’s heartbeat and to watch an informational video explaining that a woman is

“Have you ever been there? Because you don’t know why they closed all those DMVs in predominantly black areas while simultaneously upgrading the requirements for voter ID unless you’ve physically gone to those counties!”

As long as we’re correcting each other, it’s planets.

There are a lot of men who jump into conversations about women being sexually assaulted with the loud proclamation that MEN GET SEXUALLY ASSAULTED TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111!!!!!!!!!!!!!11

The jury is still out on the Irish.

Obviously Crews was asking for it. Probably dressed in a well-fitted suit and parading around the event all smiles and handshakes with all the guys.

When I was a server, I waited on a table of six comprising grandma & grandpa, mom & dad, and two kids. I greeted them, and grandpa looks up at me and says, “Well, hello! Are you the young lady who serviced me the last time I was in?”

Yup, more than half the people on the planet are dumber than average...

Yeah let’s not use the term “yardstick” here ok.

Women “collaborators” were often rape victims, prostitutes who had few options, or just women who had no choice but to sleep with German soldiers.

Do these cookies have nuts? Asking for an intolerant friend.

Hey troll, shut the fuck up. Thanks.

When I was about 15, I sat my mother down and asked her to stop forcing me to go to church. I said that I was more than old enough to decide if I wanted to be a Christian, and that making me do something I hated week in and week out just increased my bitterness and unhappiness with the religion as a whole. I also said