Charles Spratlin

The Little Rover That Could. What a great return on the investment. Could we maybe, just maybe, give NASA a bigger budget... take a few dollars out of Defense Department spending, and put it into science that isn't all about 'faster, better, deadlier'?

Fox management to employees: "Try not to do anything that would end up on Jalopnik. Shit. Too late."

The biggest neighborly invasion of the last half-century in the Mid East was enabled and partially sponsored by the US. And realistically, no one is trying to nuke Israel. Ignoring how stupid of an idea that is from a tactical standpoint, it wouldn't really serve anyone any good.

let's outfit the original USS Constitution with lasers and recommission it.

Dogs like commanding views where they are above everyone else.

At first I figured you'd just dump the milk over the stall divider onto the guy and get straight to the source, but that would have been a terrible mess for whoever cleans the bathrooms. I like your solution much better.

OK this is a fairly lengthy tale, so try to bear with me.

You know, a century from now one of these "aliens built the pyramids" cranks is going to use the fact that an epoxy humans couldn't produce until the 21st Century CE is found on a 14th Century BCE Egyptian burial relic as proof positive that Egypt was in frequent contact with highly advanced extraterrestrial



"Hey wait where are you going I JUST WANNA SAY HI!!!"

I have a bachelors of Civil and Environmental Engineering and a Professional Engineering license. What I don't have is cable to watch Fox News. Also, just a pro tip for crazy liberal. Just because someone disagrees with you doesn't make them a crazy conservative. I happen to be a libertarian. What kind of education do

He's probably a nice guy, but he endorsed Cash 4 Clunkers after all. That's akin to instant jalop-disapproval.

There's no word on how the mosquitos are taking it.

Cannot unsee!

Reminded me of Clarkson's 'wind face' in the Ariel Atom ....

The invasion of Okinawa resulted in the as many as 1/3 of the Japanese inhabitants dying from combat or murder-suicide. It's hard to imagine that the invasion or the mainland would have been less catastrophic.