Charles Spratlin

You sound very confident that you're right and everyone else arguing with you is wrong. Since you're a man its time to step up, take responsibility and design an electrical system for the tank that isn't heavier and has better range than the diesel engine and recharges quicker than it takes to refuel a traditional

Auto-loaders exist for a reason.

Stealthy is more like it, nothing is invisible but delayed detection can mean the difference between life and death more often than not.

Did you come up with that scientifically sound theory all by yourself, just by owning a Prius? Maybe you should go over there and offer your advice since you are clearly an expert on the situation.

You know i have to admit, as you read through this article you think to yourself "my God, these designers and engineers must be geniuses, they've thought of EVERYTHING! "

With what magical batteries would fit in this tank when it weights so much? FAIL!

And they also take forever to recharge....and need electricity to recharge...which might not be available in remote locations.

What's the range on a 40 or 50 ton tank w/ an electric motor?

I'm leaning more toward 68 Impala Fastback.

All present and accounted for.

There are no issues supplied at this race, the tires are fine, anyone saying different will be taken out behind the NASCAR trailer.

Don't you mean....Irany?

Try more like Dresden in 1945

I'm not sure I'd want to sink an American carrier.

My dad once told me about a similar trick they'd play on guys working on construction sites back in the day. Often they'd end up working on an old house that had no working bathroom, so sooner or later one of the guys would venture off to crouch behind a bush for a crap. Someone would sneak up behind him with a shovel

I'm viewing this a second time, and it's amazing what is going on in their minds, very quickly:

You could tell the German Shepard was the smartest one. The other dogs all started frantically looking for the treat while the German Shepard just sat there thinking about it like he was trying to figure it out.

I keep watching the video over and over haha. Shelby's middle finger to the Ferrari Fascists on Belgium's best track, the downshifts, the full-throttle wail, Eu Rouge! Why was I not there when this was filmed?!

Yeahbut... that's a LOT of power from a really small displacement. In a street car. Sure, boost the snot out of it, and (as I hinted) increase the displacement in those 4 cylinders, but how reliable would that be?