Charles Spratlin

Immediate question, why the hell is someone who doesnt like aircraft writing about aircraft?

because that was his title prior to his acceptance of the lord of light

at .57 seconds in, im pretty sure thats Rodgers on the TV in the background, sort of hard to make out though.

if so looks like Ross is unawares that BP is hiding the others.

isnt that the one a bunch of soldiers decided to steal, more or less for the fun of it?

the lesson to be learned is; quit picking fights with the Israelis.

well goddamn said, doesn’t answer my question about how to fix it now, but well fucking said either way

true but there is also a catch to that, we broke both the Germans and the Japanese to the point that a mere handful were willing to keep fighting, the rest accepted their fate.

we never managed this in either nation, never fought them to the point that they capitulated. and while our attempts at rebuilding were

its the Shia Sunni tit for tat power struggle that’s been ongoing since Muhammad died. literally the root of all the pain and suffering because the two sides refuse to play nice.

wouldnt happen if these Jihaddist, goat raping fucks would stand and fight like men rather than hiding behind women and children. they want a return to the old ways? fine, its time they got the true old ways.

there is a large grey area, its called carefully control who gets let in via screening process and exterminate those who carry out these sort of attacks, finance them, or support them.

confirmed explosion, probable suicide bomber

question then becomes how do we stop the cycle, because you cant change the system with this radicalized bullshit ongoing in the area, it didnt work in Iraq or Afghanistan.

fairly clever one i would say, knowing you cant beat security in one of the most Orwellian nations on this planet, hit them where security cant help.

utterly fucking deplorable and barbaric, but more clever than the latest ones of “drive a big truck into a crowd.” this should be cause for concern

and by killing all those who plan/finance such attacks, lets not forget the bloody part of this one.

mark that number at 22 now and a further 59 injured. expect it to climb.


am i the only one that thinks this would have been more impressive had it been done when the movie still held some semblance of relevancy? at this point its a too late tack on for a gorgeous but ultimately lousy film.

factor in what all is riding on this movie and the most vocal of the critics might also be the kindest, at least until it fully hits theaters

oooh aahhhhh, two clips of a string bean pretty well getting her ass kicked. whats all the hype about again?

Dick move Ego, dick move