
What's the matter, South Korea? Afraid of a little FREEDOM?

I second the motion.

I move that Mr. Perkins be referred to as "Old Ironsides" from now on.

1. Chris Perkins

The Bodum Travel Press - Stainless Steel Edition

The Bodum Travel Press - Stainless Steel Edition

This is the face of the world's most tolerant woman.

Uh Oh.. Ctl. Atl. Del.

"Damn, that's a nice looking truck don't you know."

A personal favorite, possibly due to the fact that it was one of the last sculptured hood ornaments on a production US made vehicle I can think of.

I've been fascinated with the Dodge hood ornament since I can remember:

I've always been fond of the De Soto hood ornament,

If I'm not mistaken, "La Chrysler" should read "Il Chrysler," which would translate to "The Chrysler."

I did. Here try this one