
Yeah, thanks. Problem solved everyone, let’s go home.

Moneyball: How to trick your fans into not abandoning your team for two decades while you spend no money.

Except I’m alive now and who the hell knows if I’ll be alive in 15 years.

Seriously? You think the kids had sex on a public beach during the day with other people around because they were afraid to get caught at home by their parents? As if they couldn’t find a secluded spot anywhere else, wait a few hours, pony up for a hotel room, or whatever, they just had to have sex in a public place

Do not, under any circumstance, order the abomination known as the “egg white omelette.” You will find no joy within.

Don’t forget, without union contracts workers can’t be forced to contribute to the unions pet political candidates either.

The average NYC police officer makes $73,000. That’s less than an MTA bus driver or an NYC sanitation worker, two organizations with union labor that not only have drastically overpaid positions but have overtime systems that favor seniority and aren’t handled in a transparent or fair (to the taxpayer) manner. This is

“...I believe that this time next year, this country will be right to work in the public sector.”

Don’t pay for Phone AND Cell, stop paying bank fees, and shop around for car insurance.

They should repeal the whole thing. Get government out of healthcare.

...boarder patrol agents...

Jeez, I wonder how guns, drugs, and other smuggled goods cross the border? Maybe they would need to physically move over it, and if so, maybe they would need a method of being conveyed, maybe a common method so as to blend in and decrease chances of detection.

Building a trebuchet to launch the goddamn Mountain at the dragons would have been a better weapon.

Someone should invent reflective surfaces mounted on the sides of cars that allow drivers to check for bicycles or other cars.

I second the suggestion of higher heat and raise more butter/oil.

No, I fucking want it. Bad.

You say that like we allied with the Nazi’s in WWII. I think you may have some misguided hatred for the U.S. We are really no more evil than anywhere else in the world. Think we treated the natives badly? Look to canada and australia for the best examples for fucking over a native population. Sure, it wasnt a trip

Now playing

You seem to be forgetting the greatest dong Eck ever allowed:

Daylight savings strikes again.