Nice wet work.
Nice wet work.
Let’s not let accuracy or consistency get in the way of a killer closing line
Dump the asshole who yanks the cup out of her hand to take credit for the ball. Believe me, he’ll only become more of a controlling asshole, not less.
so much for judgement free zone thanks to assholes like you
you okay, man?
14 years on a Mac and I’ve never questioned that my dock belongs at the bottom of my screen. Damn you for turning my world upside down.
Plus, I was less than a year away from my bat mitzvah and I wanted to be able to wear earrings to the party.
This is mentioned in the post.
Agreed. The biggest point of failure for H-D is their dealership network. They largely still portray the mentality that they are selling exclusively to a crowd that wears t-shirts with slogans like: “If you can read this shirt, the bitch fell off.”
I think what he’s saying is he’d like a little more trunk for his junk.
So you’re saying that you like a little junk in your trunk?
If the agreement just says that the Garden must be available 3 times per year, yet no one ever asked them to use it, do they really owe anything?? It would be different if charities were frequently making requests to use it and the Garden never said ‘yes’.
And they would have gotten away with it too, if it weren’t for those meddling kids!
Only the Mayor of Flavortown is allowed to wear his sunglasses backwards without losing 100% of credibility.
He’s a two time MVP and is already considered the best shooter ever by s ton of smart basketball people. Great handle, can finish in traffic, and teams give up dunks to keep him from shooting from 25
If you had told me that you met a guy that had made a tshirt with “Fook Floyd” on it, the logical follow up question is, did he have sunglasses backwards on his head?
Can’t wait for the follow up on how the rising cost of education needs to be reigned in. I’m curious how these pay raises will be reflected in tuition and budgetary management.
Pretty much this. Why are those even still questions? The show gave satisfactory answers already.