
Woohoo, no more infinite scrolling to the next article on Kinja!

I am more interested in a test that can detect beef in my horsemeat.

Thank you for using Tom. Your bill is 69 dollars

“death holds no power over me”

If they don’t value you enough to hire you, why would anyone think they would bother reading a post-rejection thank you note? I could see this as being of value for an internal posting you were passed over for, but not for a company that more than likely has already forgotten your name.

“many cultures find the idea of handkerchiefs repulsive”

A true vacuum would be zero mmHg, so I assume double vacuum pressure is twice that, or zero mmHg.

That’s what a plant/corporate shill would say

That’s what a plant/corporate shill would say

A demo of a cocktail shaker without any cocktail... I feel like I’m being swindled.

A demo of a cocktail shaker without any cocktail... I feel like I’m being swindled.

Dead Bath & Beyond

Seriously. Why are we even talking about this when we have to deal with a goddamn ice dragon?

I strained my eyes looking at this for too long

Is that a laden or unladen raven?

He’s an Inspiron to us all

Aredub trolled all of us... Look at all the shitposts he littered in this comments section.

Typical KD. It’s so easy to condemn Trump today alongside everyone else. Greats like Jordan and Magic would have condemned Trump by themselves back in January, eschewing the help of other great players, because they’re true competitors.

Correct response to a decidedly unfunny commenter. I commend your restraint with one Internet Star.

me personally? i had to take out the babysitter, a much more... unpleasant task then unplugging a plug...