
Coincidentally, the same thing that SevereButthole said.

Bingo! Except I actually love cats. Not as much as dogs, but they are adorable little balls of fur and terror.

Let that cat suck your soul out of your eye sockets, and eat your flesh when you die as much as you like.

Don’t feel too bad, we can’t all have good taste.

I’m all for removing every statue/named highway, but you are the bottom of the barrel. You are the Wal-Mart shopper of politics. Your inability to address someone you disagree with in an intelligible manner is what’s wrong with this country. You’re the yin to the redneck yelling “fuck off with your bullshit, commie”’s

Choking the bird also helps to tenderize the meat and render it compliant.

This has been the worst transfer speed in the history of transfer speeds, maybe ever. Yuge. Bigly. UNFAIR!

A sturdy boot potentially with a steel toe? Yes, pants? No.

Ouch, sounds like Craigger isn’t the only one in need of some (quality) tail.

I’m going to keep this brief ...

This Tool Shows You Exactly What the Eclipse Will Look Like in Your Area

You start by doing a deep dive on your own income and expenses instead of being sarcastic to someone who put out a solid article. Do you need internet if you get it on your cell? What expenses does “food” comprise of? At the end of the month do you say “well, we only have $1.20 in savings, might as well spend it”?

Sorry, your analogy doesn’t hold water (and eggs, and a head of cabbage, and a six pack...)

Can we *please* get more of this? Every day, I hear the same commercial on the radio, twice an hour, through the course of the day: “I thought everyone would like a little cru-dite.” ... “It’s pronounced cru-di-tay.” ... “Woah, French language police over here!” *Cue laughtrack

I’m creating another burner account just so I can give you two stars. Also, I’m stealing that and using it as my own, and not giving you credit.

A Doctor Lawyer MD? I’d say *you’re* the one he should be feared to face in a court of law!

You should let Soundcloud know ASAP! Then maybe they can generate the cash they need! Cheers friendly internet denizen!

Smart move. With some leggings you’d like like a minstrel.

You realize you’re arguing with somedouche on the internet right?

Whiskey lately is making me feel really ok about being in my 30s.