* “my self-image”... Sorry to burst your puddle.
* “my self-image”... Sorry to burst your puddle.
You’re a dingleberry. Try taking Muni sometime. If a fellow passenger flicks a booger on you, would that be enough to get you to consider alternatives? What about sitting in a wet seat? What about both?
That deserves to be printed on parchment and framed. In something gaudy and golden, from a more simpler Barker era.
Good ole bullet buttons and “hi cap” mags. Two of numerous reasons that if I wasn’t born here and 6th generation, I’d give strong consideration to moving your way and being one of those “damn Californians, they just need to move the hell back...” ;)
Good ole bullet buttons and “hi cap” mags. Two of numerous reasons that if I wasn’t born here and 6th generation,…
Are you grasping for a straw so you can say that I am 100% incorrect in calling you 100% incorrect? San Francisco and Oakland, two of the most restrictive cities in the state allow carring folding knives (to a certain length), so it’s unlikely to find a town more restrictive than SF. Just as I’m sure you wouldn’t…
Are you grasping for a straw so you can say that I am 100% incorrect in calling you 100% incorrect? San Francisco…
You don’t know California law, particularly with regards to protected HOV lanes, so I am a biker, and I disapprove your message.
You are 100% incorrect.
You are 100% incorrect.
I think the responses you’ve received so far show that people hear you, but disagree with your message. But, you’re probably right, it’s far more likely that the whole world is crazy rather than...
I think the responses you’ve received so far show that people hear you, but disagree with your message. But, you’re…
You must be a huge hit at parties.
You must be a huge hit at parties.
At what point in our culture did we stop calling it a paid vacation day and start calling it PTO?
I hear the ride’s nice on those but they handle like jelly.
Well actually?
Hahaaa, because a drug is ineffective based on your extensive sampling of one data point (yourself), clearly an opposite reaction to your experience must be in the other person’s head?
Came here for this. Downright buffoonish.
Came here for this. Downright buffoonish.
You lost before you started. Let it go man.
I’m just wondering where the hell they’re going to make all of this. In Fremont?
Someone targeting their family members is not a “mass shooting.” Gang members targeting gang members is not a “mass shooting.” You reference data as fact without double-checking even a few of the datapoints.
This is news? These have been floating around Auto Mall Parkway for a bit now.
Your dedication to your craft is admirable. That said, if Quark bit on a bar of Gold Pressed Latinum and found out it was nothing more than a foil covered piece of lecithin-laden chocolate, he would be none too happy.