Sadly, this is as close as many cyclists will ever come to wearing a yellow jersey…
Sadly, this is as close as many cyclists will ever come to wearing a yellow jersey…
Really conquered the PeeonKnees
I, for one, am looking forward to 500 Days of Kevin.
This is the meanest thing Deadspin has ever done to its readers.
People watch this show?
Yea keep telling yourself that.
Thank you for posting this! Every time I click on an email link, I immediately regret it as I have to wait for Mail to open...and then load every single email since the last time I mistakenly clicked on an email link. It then helpfully pops reminder after reminder for every event since the last time I mistakenly…
mystified or bored or otherwise deterred by a simple screen
Argument(s): booze, butter and biscuits aren’t meat.
“But you can’t just spend your summer eating meat...”
This is Peak HamNo everyone.
I suggest, much like we figured out tabs vs. spaces, is see who makes the most money between gif vs jif users. Because as we all know, money solves all arguments. Also, it’s gif because if you have to write jif just to show an alternate pronunciation, then I’ll pronounce it the ways it’s spelled....gif.
But also, why does the ref do that heart thing?
They should go back to the good old days of ebay when people mailed money orders.
Take your dog away from my Windows XP desktop wallpaper.
See? Out West, anything after Nevada IS East coast.
Are GOAT discussions ELITE debates? Vote now.
Honey, why are you writing about our personal problems on the internet?
I was earning 24% more than my entry level salary after working for two years. What percentage is $6000 that would make him happy? The lack of context is slightly concerning, and sounding indicative of millennial mindset, especially one who has connections at a company.
-Millennial Homeowner
Monogamous and non-monogamous people don’t mix.