
They should go back to the good old days of ebay when people mailed money orders.

Take your dog away from my Windows XP desktop wallpaper.

See? Out West, anything after Nevada IS East coast.

Are GOAT discussions ELITE debates? Vote now.

Honey, why are you writing about our personal problems on the internet?

I was earning 24% more than my entry level salary after working for two years. What percentage is $6000 that would make him happy? The lack of context is slightly concerning, and sounding indicative of millennial mindset, especially one who has connections at a company.

-Millennial Homeowner

Monogamous and non-monogamous people don’t mix.

Would the name of a quarterback who is simultaneously underqualified and overqualified for every NFL team be “Schrodinger’s Kaep”?

The worst part is I did actually read the article. Mondays are rough.

I don’t even get it. Are people really clamoring for black wheels so badly that it needs its own really lame commercial? Who’s the target of that ad?

Jon Lovitz is a shoein to play Jeff Van Gundy

I’ve seen this romcom before. KD and Rihanna’s fight make them realize that the only thing worse than how they feel about each other is how they feel WITHOUT each other. They eventually fall in love and end up getting married. Jeff Van Gundy, still obsessed with Rihanna, tries to interrupt the ceremony but ends up

This is what happens after years of spaying and neutering.

I have no idea, but I think that’s a fairly reasonable restriction, so I’m not really bothered by it.

I have no idea, but I think that’s a fairly reasonable restriction, so I’m not really bothered by it.

If a better company in a nicer part of the country asked me to work for them for millions of dollars, I’d probably say yes, too.

People complaining about the Warriors complaining about illegal screens and/or dirty plays. Sure.

Every. Single. Time. There always has to be at least one person who tries to lay some blame on the biker because two wheels.

If you’re going along on any road and someone pulls out right in front of you going much slower, the fault is NOT yours for rear ending them.

Hes lucky he got to go home cuz of the vampires in romania. People forget thats where dracula lives