... although he was kind enough to sign the ball for Brustman
... although he was kind enough to sign the ball for Brustman
You didn’t even mention double-secret probation.
Realize that the world is nowhere near as dreadful, crazy, or dangerous as it was in say 1980, 1940, 1915 or any time prior to 1900 when nearly half (or more) of people born didn’t make it past age 5, and the overwhelming majority of those who did survive past age 5 endured a short and very hard life in extreme…
You type your comment on an 8 year old HP desktop? Buy your clothes at St Vinnies? Eat nothing more than what you absolutely need to survive? Never throw away a single thing that hasn’t been used to its utmost?
You type your comment on an 8 year old HP desktop? Buy your clothes at St Vinnies? Eat nothing more than what you…
Some of the newer planes I have been on have seats that don’t recline. They are glorious.
Because they were definitely jamming more seats into the planes at the expense of leg room, and knew people would bitch and moan if they couldn’t recline their seats. Is that actually a real question?
The seats recline because they were designed that way in an era where you had more than 8 inches between the front of your seat and the back of the one in front. Like the article points out, people are reluctant to lose something they once had, so the reclining chair stayed, while the legroom went to make room for…
I might feel more strongly about this if the seat went back further than 5 degrees. But I’m just as uncomfortable as 85 degrees as I am at 90, so I leave it up.
In a world where division is the norm and people disagree on just about everything under the sun, the one thing I think can allow us all to stand together in steadfast, unshakeable solidarity is the fact that we all know in our hearts that Green is 100% right.
It was later discovered that he had only bought the organization so that he could hold a “Despite All My Rage I Am Still Just a Rat In a Cage Match”.
Who the F uses their foam roller in dirt?
Who the F uses their foam roller in dirt?
Why doesn’t Kimmel’s SAG insurance cover what they needed?
Dear Midgard-
How can one earn between 20k - 50k even think about having children though? That is barely enough for an individual to survive on.
It’s hard to use your hand to flush while it’s holding a Molson.
Counterpoint: this is terrible advice.
You are an idiot.