This study is probably funded by BIG SHOE and BIG FITNESS-TRACKER. Just when I get to a routine where 10,000 steps is the norm!
This study is probably funded by BIG SHOE and BIG FITNESS-TRACKER. Just when I get to a routine where 10,000 steps is the norm!
Always happy to be diagnosed on the internet based upon a couple of sentences! I can’t believe how much you know about me based on this. Mazel to you for your insightfulness and so on.
From solicitors at the store entrance to solar panel salespeople inside the store, I hate having to constantly tell solicitors, “no thanks, I’m not interested”
Must be a big basketball fan just hearing about it now. Thanks for your input
Properly uses all caps, +1
Credentialed! Well, that clears Deadspin.
Something something chardonnay
why didnt you complain about Obama spending
We do not build carriers to fight naval battles against China and Russia. We build carriers to project air power anywhere in the world, at any time, whether we have accessible air bases with mission permission or not. That is what carriers have been used for since World War II and will continue to be used for.
That means he has scholarflower ear.
Or, if you REALLY love pizza, be sure that your slice comes from a “no-cut” with your favorite toppings.
The Padres say it’s not that bad, but it feels bad.
Top 10 what all-time? Players? No, he isn’t. He really, really, really, really isn’t. He’s not even in the top three at his own position. Maybe fifth-best center, but even then, it’s largely a by-product of him just being much bigger than everyone else. He’s not even close to a top 10 player in terms of talent.
Or the trade deadline passed, and McGee is on a one-year deal, so by stepping in in this fashion his Free Agent value would rise, thereby making it harder for the Warriors to re-sign him. Good analysis there, bud.
For Joe Smo runner sure I’ll agree with you - but she was on the podium. At that point, you deserve to be scrutinized a bit.
I think you guys responding are confused. I’m talking about the guy who gets in a kick fight with Cap on that ship.
I don’t follow UFC, but that dude looks EXACTLY like the bad guy at the beginning of the second Captain America movie.
I know! “The Joker” is stupid. Especially when “Jock Itch” is more appropriate and right there for the taking. If this catches on like I think it will, I can’t wait for an opposing player to block his shot and then yell “Tough Actin’ Tinactin” or “Lamisil!”.
Well, now, hold on. Did he go to school in the south? They teach you it’s okay to touch cousins like that.