A NHL player wuldnt leave time on the clock
A NHL player wuldnt leave time on the clock
Commenting on Deadspin does not make one a “writer”.
“I dont see what err’body has to be talkin’ and goin’ on about. Its not like its somethin’ special or anything. Back when I was comin’ up I’d hit some threes and an hour later I’d be throwing a midget off a balcony at the Borgata for cutting in line at the crepe bar.”
The Warriors are such hypocrites. Showboating millennial takes off work early two days in a row, and no one bats an eye.
Doubtful and even if he did it doesn’t matter. He can do what he wants when he is on the court and Trump has absolutely no recourse.
I was with you until this line: “And Gorsuch is a loyal Republican operative. If he were the neutral, bipartisan, sterling judge he’s supposed to be, he would never have accepted Trump’s invitation to usurp another neutral, bipartisan, sterling judge.”
this Statue of Liberty poem is not nearly as good as the original one
Because aside from perhaps the professional trade unions, most workers aren’t really seeing a value. I worked retail in a supermarket chain that was and still is unionized in my late teens and early 20's. Hell, I was even a union steward for 6 months before I left that job! Back then, I truly believed in the union…
I know its a very unpopular opinion around here but cities are terrible and everyone that lives in them are terrible.
You have to either make the places people want to live more affordable (cities) or more the affordable places (smaller towns) more desirable. In NY, Cuomo just announced a program that helps recent college graduates buy homes in upstate NY through financial assistance. Under the plan, younger folks are able to buy a…
Housing where is not affordable? In the cities? Because If you go into the suburbs or god forbid smaller towns housing is totally affordable. I know a number of people in their mid 20's and 30's buying houses no problem. You know where they are buying them? Not manhattan or LA. That is just dumb.
This is a post. Deadspin is a blog.
- Socrates
if I were a sous vider, I’d want weights that look like little cement cinder blocks and a glass container so that the stuff I’m cooking could look like it’s ‘sleeping with the fishes’
I think the implication here is that most people are aware of how corrupt Arianna Huffington is and would rather stab themselves in the eye than read an article about her. Myself, I’m just here to comment surf and mock.
Who cares?
Is it me, or does she look like a melting Celine Dion?
Huffington works?
Perhaps. But Clinton is a hawk who would take a very hardline against Russia and has no compunction about putting boots on the ground (see Iraq War).
Look. Alex. That’s just urinalysis.