
Counterpoint: It is not, in fact, very bad. Alanis is still one of my favorites of the era. 

I take exception to this article!


This Blog Is Wrong And Bad.

Strongly disagree. The album is amazing. Maybe check your speakers... or stop wasting money on vinyl. Some music was never meant to be in the format.

“my husband, the music knower, bought these obscure albums by Fleetwood Mac and the Beach Boys on our vintage refurbished record player”

I’m listening to Jagged Little Pill on repeat until I see a retraction for this blatant falsehood. 

This article and your opinions are actually very bad.

This editorial is very bad actually. The songs were written by a young person, FOR young people, and in that context they still work. The fact that they don’t appeal to your much older self doesn’t magically transform them into bad songs. It means your taste changed. Which is natural. Don’t crap on your younger self,

Counterpoint: It’s awesome and perfect for rage listening, whether or not followed by full-lung singing along, to this day. Any differing opinion is blasphemy.

The only answer to your headline that is a question, as it is to any headline that is a question, is no. 

Counterpoint, Jagged Little Pill was actually very good. It has won about a half billion awards and is a cultural touchstone for the era. At least 4 of the songs on the album have effectively permeated culture to the point that anyone who lived through that era would recognize them instantly and most people would be

Nah, I appreciate you’re trying to have a funny take on it, but you’re just wrong. It’s a fantastic pop-rock album. Gotta agree with fellow commenter JennaW:


This is a profoundly bad take! Know your audience. If we’re reading jezebel, we A) love Jagged Little Pill and B) certainly do not value your husbands opinion on it.
This is clearly clickbait and I shouldn’t even engage but I will never not stand up for JLP or AM herself.


It wasn’t even “Ironic,” and its infamous misuse of the word, that ultimately broke me. It was these lyrics: “You live/You learn/You love/You learn/You cry/You learn/You lose/You learn/You bleed/You learn/You scream/You learn.” I screamed. Oh did I. And then I texted my husband a mea culpa: “Jagged Little Pill is

FIRST OF ALL, if your opinion of your own music taste is this:
“My taste in music is pretty much either: What the cool kids were listening to back in middle school, or contemporary Top 40.”

Then perhaps you might not be the one to call Alanis Morrissette lyrics “feeble.” Just my two cents.

Second of all, try to tell me

I don’t know man. Forgiven is still a very intense and meaningful song imho. It’s so rare to hear someone sing about religion in a subversive way that isn’t tongue in cheek or like LOL FUK GOD LET’S EAT BABIES FOR SATAN !!!!1!!!!11!!!

I wasn’t a tween girl when it came out - I was a gay man in my late twenties who’s first partner had just died from cancer. This album helped me transition from the Cranberries and weepy fare that kept me miserable to Alanis, who allowed me to be really fucking angry at the world for what had happened. It brought it