
Yeah, I’ve seen there’s a growing trend of being forthright in obituaries re deaths caused by overdose, and I could not approve more. All the euphemisms and skirting around the issue keep us from moving forward.

Okay, you seemed to equate the two, especially since there are people involved in TST that would say they are, practically-speaking, atheists.

And that’s fine! I’m sorry you seem to be getting quite the stream of responses. I think you are 100% entitled to your opinions and beliefs. We agree that what this woman is doing is admirable, and that is great.

Well, they use Satan in order to bring lawsuits to public spaces that don’t allow a statue of the dark lord, or a speech to open a government session thanking Satan, when those places do allow thinking God and such. If they didn’t say that they’re “Satanists” than there wouldn’t be an equal-treatment-of-religions

If you’re not actually going to do the research to see what they’re about besides just reading their name and making a bunch of assumptions, maybe don’t pass judgement on them? The Satanic Temple and the Church of Satan are different entities entirely. Sort of like how the Westboro Baptist Church and, say, Second

Surely you understand that not believing in the literal existence of God or Satan doesn’t keep atheists or Satanists from being personally affected by the idea of God - specifically, how that idea is enacted by believers in our society and encoded in our laws. That’s why Satanists obviously do want to invoke the

This is the only thing I’ve ever had what one might call a “spiritual crisis” about.

Haha, I’m just kind of laughing to myself, because you realize that if you’re an atheist, then you don’t believe in the devil and you’re not scared of “messing with [him]” and you’re not scared of hell or an after life that includes heaven and hell. Like, if you don’t believe that something is real, then it can’t hurt

They do not worship Satan. They do not worship Lucifer. They do not worship themselves. They do not worship. These folks are not the shadowy cabal of Crowleyesque mystics you are imagining.

The atheists are not trying to align themselves with actual satanists, but the ‘The Temple of People Who Fight for Civil Rights’ isn’t going to get them any press. Satanic imagery is something that definitely gets the attention of the Christian establishment, especially in the case of something like trying to say that

Isn’t the invocation of a supernatural entity specifically so they can argue their religion’s equal rights under the law (e.g. statues of Beelzebub having equal standing as Ten Commandments sculptures?)

I don’t know. I think about it a lot. The cops don’t do a great job, universities have, in many cases, essentially gamed the system to make sure they don’t add to their crime reporting stats, and we don’t have a lot of alternative models.

Besides the food, another reason Top Chef is great, it sticks to the food. It stays away from most crap between the contestants. I do not care about that drama. I just like seeing the creative process with the food

Yes. It is at the very least the same as those who fund ISIS. Because the videos were made up, and then disseminated as fact. It is at the very least, based on the constant rhetoric calling the workers, doctors and nurses murderers, supplying support to terrorism.

Because, as I’ve heard from a number of pro-lifers: Its not about the women, its about the potential lives inside.

I’d argue that the release of those videos and the rhetoric surrounding them, was a terrorist act that now seems to be flourishing. The intended outcome was to cause the threats and violence and they succeeded.

I am really sick of people threatening abortion clinics and their patients and staff. . It doesn’t STOP people from using those services. You know what does? Safe and affordable women’s health care, free BC, and day care that doesn’t bankrupt you. Why don’t they get that? All it does is show the world what an

Great, so now there’s some fuckhead psycho who tried to finish the job that Richard Dear started? Ugh. I really need to build a spaceship and look for life elsewhere.

This story only starts out like a horror story. It was horrible for me at the time. My boyfriend and I were celebrating our first Thanksgiving together. It was also just a couple years since my Mom died, a loss which had blasted a huge hole in our family. We scattered after that and had Thanksgivings either alone or

Testing positive for a BRCA1 mutation is a pretty big fucking health issue.