
Yeah, I saw the “Oh, boobs just pop out all the time” line and thought that was horseshit. A well-designed, properly fitted dress will not show anything it’s wearer doesn’t want to show. If boobs are popping out of dresses, the dresses are poorly constructed or poorly designed.

Of course this could all be for

I watched the youtube video. She wasn’t the only one who had a breast slip out, and some of those dresses looked extremely prone to that type of thing. Maybe they’d stay on better for women with bigger breasts.

I totally agree. I have flown with my girls by myself a few times, and as much as I’d love to always be able to fly Jet Blue or another airline where I can get my seats ahead of time, sometimes Southwest is my only option. I try to do everything right, get early bird, check in exactly when I should, arrive early,

Oh my god this is horrible. People think sexual harassment is all meek women not speaking up or making themselves clear. But this anecdote shows how little the woman’s reaction has to do with anything. Creeps will be creeps. That’s the real horror of it — how powerless you feel. Props to her 16 year old self for doing

Thank you, Madeleine.

So much this, I will admit my bitchiness at parents. I hate you mom or dad with kids in a plane I won’t give up my carefully purchased seat for you or any of your monsters to be more comfortable, talk to the flight attendant and hace her bribe me out of my seat.

The only time this happened to me I was on a flight to Korea and had the window, while a kindly old Korean woman had the isle. We exchanged pleasantries (nods, es she didn’t speak much english) and I silently helped her untangle her earphones. After the plane took off and we both realized there was no one to sit

If you’re a family traveling together, you can go to the desk when you arrive at the gate and request seats together. The attendant can then ask people to switch seats, usually for some perk like a few free miles or a drink voucher. If the airline doesn’t do this, feel free to publicly shame them when asking others to

I don’t think a couple necessarily deserves to sit together, but I’m gonna throw in an EVEN if it means you have to move to a middle seat (and I know YOU woke up at 5am to check in so you’re a GOD AMONG MEN WHO SHOULDNT HAVE TO MOVE) if you see a mother and 2 kids like slogging onto the plane late, your whole stupid

I was once in the window seat of a row of three. There was a gentleman in the aisle seat. As the boarding process ended, it became clear that the middle seat was to remain blissfully empty and I felt immediate relief, until the gentleman picked himself up, scooted over, and started to lower his ass into the vacant

Also, unless there is an empty seat between you, NEVER push up the dividing armrest. It is down for a reason- my space on this side, your space on that side. This is a sacred and powerful divider. Even if parts of you are spilling under it and squeezing against my thighs, I can pretend that it impossible because the

And, OMG these people, if you are part of a couple and you book an aisle seat and a window seat in the hopes that no one takes the middle and then someone sits in the middle seat and you don’t offer to switch and instead hold whole conversations over middle’s head YOU ARE MONSTER PEOPLE.

ALL of these rules, but especially this:

Yes, like “Wait what? the dude who was accusing PP of “selling baby parts” is going to be charged with trying to buy baby parts?!?”

Along the same vein, I hate that the argument so often revolves around whether or not the fetus can be considered a person. It doesn’t matter. As long as nobody can be forced to give a partial liver transplant to save a life, nobody can be forced to carry a child to term.

Forgot to add at the end of the first paragraph that it is dangerous to paint ourselves into the corner of abortion being exclusively for the short list of “rape and incest survivors, women whose lives are in peril.” Every woman deserves to make her own decision based on all her life circumstances, without

I appreciate that there is a typical, “wrong time, wrong circumstances” abortion story included here. While dramatic partner abuse or fetal abnormality stories are valid, they are often the only types of stories offered in support of abortion. The vast majority of abortions are for women who are accidentally pregnant

I think the actual percentage of genuinely innovative or good ideas is pretty low on shark tank for either gender. The casting directors are therefore looking for what will be entertaining to their audience. That they tend to choose women that have business ideas that are fulfilling traditional gender roles seems

In the case of Shark Tank, I am guessing it has a lot to do with the women appearing on Shark Tank having businesses based around sweets (no bakery is worth investing in unless your own) or children’s clothing. Unfortunately, it is more common for men on the show to have more innovative ideas. They typically have more

The best part of the show, for me, was the music choices. “Toy Soldiers” playing as the Chanels are arrested? Brilliant. By the end I really was just waiting for the next music cue because they were, by and large, inspired.