
I love yoox. I buy my George Gina Lucy bags there, and I love the selection of clothes. Shipping isn’t as fast as it is at shopbop but it’s still OK.

I have metastatic breast cancer and I’ve seen way too many friends die of this disease. I don’t think I need to see a movie about this when I can just remember my friends and ugly-cry anytime.

I guess you’re not poor. I grew up poor and there was no way we could keep that minimum balance there - we needed the money for things like bills.

I also have metastatic breast cancer and this is an area I know something about. Maybe a mammogram would have prevented your metastatic breast cancer, and maybe not. That’s because 30% of all people treated for early breast cancer go onto develop metastatic breast cancer, sometimes years or decades after the initial

I watched the show every week and thought (oh so naively) that the show reflected actual reality and that the homeowners did most of the work. Then one day I leafed through the behind the scenes book and saw it was all fake. I was so disappointed and stopped watching the show.

Twinsies! Although my alcoholic dad did show up for parent-teacher interviews in grade 1. He was drunk, of course, and he came on to my teacher in front of all the other parents.

I hadn’t gone to kindergarden or nursery school because my mother believed that kids should be free until grade 1, so my first day of school ever was my first day of grade 1. I remember sitting in the octagonal music room while every other kid there was called to a teacher’s homeroom because their parents had actually

I agree. She could have chosen a more flattering outfit but I don’t see why that justifies making fun of her.

I know a family of devout Christians who think they’re being oppressed. Here in Canad. Which means this nuttiness isn’t limited to the nutjobs in the US.

I should show up earlier for these... Anyways, my mom was Borderline and my dad an alcoholic so there was always something happening. The most mortifying thing, oddly, had to be our car: a 1973 Chevy Caprice Classic, with a white vinyl top that we had until about 1990. At one point the muffler fell out while my mom

My SO and I were in Lexington, KY for a juggling festival a few years ago. We had one morning to ourselves so we decided to walk to a big cemetery and wander around for a bit. We grabbed coffee and were walking there, chit-chatting away, when out of the corner of my eye I spotted a very sparkly horse - I think it was

Oh yeah, speaking publicly is way better than speaking in small groups for this introvert - unless the small group is composed of very good friends. I don't like competing for attention.

Having alcoholics running rampant through one's family tree isn't a coincidence, but it isn't the whole story, either. Having a genetic predisposition to alcoholism (aka "alcoholism running rampant through [one's] genepool") doesn't guarantee that the person will become an alcoholic. Genes need to be triggered to

The state forces people into it because it's free, there are meetings everywhere, and it's easier to believe AA's claims that the program works. Did I mention that the program is free for the state?

I agree that for many, alcoholism or drug abuse is a symptom of a deeper issue and that if you deal with the underlying issues you will go a long way towards getting sober or drinking/using moderately. I think AA or other self-help groups can help people who have no underlying issue or who need to learn how to do

Personally, I wish that addiction was treated by therapists, not self-help groups. No one would expect people to get together in a self-help group to treat depression, so why is it expected that people would treat their addictions this way? Non-AA groups are still basically self-help groups.

Is the program helpful for so many women, though? Even if it has helped women, did it give women the best chance for getting sober or did it help because it was really the only game in town? People in AA have this tendency to assume that since AA works for them, it works for everyone; and if it doesn't work for

I can not thoroughly blame the mother because I blame the gun-loving US culture and the lack of mental-health awareness and resources in the US for what has happened. In fact, I don't blame the mother at all. She appears to have been doing what she could with the situation she had. It looks like he used the weapons