
I am going to miss this woman terribly, and am hoping beyond all hopes someone keeps her shop open. When I got married a couple years ago, the wedding boutique suggested I check out her lingerie shop for a bra to go with my wedding dress. I have an extremely narrow back than is typical of my cup size, and Macys,

What angers me about TRAP laws is that they specifically target the young, the poor and the vulnerable. Even if Conservatives and religious fanatics managed to ban abortion outright, they would still be able to obtain them for their wives, daughters and girlfriends if necessary. In the bad old days when abortion was

This right here? This is why gay marriage, gay rights, trans rights, and other civil liberties issues are NOT suited for the voting process or popular representation. For all the whining about the Supreme Court and judicial activism, for all the complaints about how those evil progressive judges are trampling on the

What a good dog for peeing NEXT to that rug instead of ON it!

Do you ever think the mothers of people who wear pro life cowboy hats wish they would have gotten an abortion

Heyyy, Texas? And also all the rest of you anti-choicers?
From the bottom of my heart ... I hate you so much that I can’t find my grown-up words any more.

Yeah it’s always scary to hear of someone who bucks the trend. But that’s part of the issue. Even though it’s possible, it’s very statistically unlikely. But because it’s scary, we tend to overestimate the risk. Like, if a friend bought a lotto ticket on a whim and won $100 million, you probably wouldn’t be tempted to

Saying you don’t want constitutional laws based on Catholic doctrine and belief isn’t anti-Catholic. This is an ad that claims Catholic influence on law is an outdated practice. Which it very much is. If the Church wants to insist on maintaining that influence, then frankly they deserve to be attacked. But I don’t

begs people to treat others as they would wish to be treated

Are they serious about the church being so fantastic for Ireland and
Europe? Are they not aware of the awful history of rape and abuse of children in Catholic schools in Ireland? I mean, it’s almost painful reading about the church and its supporters whitewashing the church’s influence on Ireland. Or, we could go back

Both, from what I’ve read. Also, there’s the issue of cumulative radiation exposure from mammograms.

Paul Ryan’s entire life is an example of “for me, but not thee.”

A lot a bit of column A, a little bit of column B. There are some forms of breast cancers that are unlikely to ever cause harm (DCIS) that are being treated, often due to liability concerns, and making healthy women into “cancer survivors.”

They’re not useless. They just have a high enough false positive rate that patients who are at very low risk are unlikely to have the disease even if they test positive. They’re still very important for people in high risk groups, and useful as an occasional screening tool for others. That said, the BRCA tests are a

The recommendations seem based on the best knowledge and science we have now, so that’s a good thing. I hope that our knowledge of cancers continue to grow so recommendations get better and both lives can be saved and unnecessary tests and scares can be minimized.

Actually, they state - and clearly, I might add - that ALL women should start having mammograms at 45, and that women below 45 should establish a screening plan in partnership with their doctor. This plan, may or may not include mammograms.

I see a lot of people running around with their hair on fire saying “ACS is

It’s good to see reasonable screening schedules replace the “awareness hysteria” guidelines. We’re aware and have a disproportionate fear of our tits rotting off, thanks for that.

So, basically mammograms are useless and we need something better.

New York’s marriage license application was delightfully gender neutral. Two columns, one for each party, and the top of both columns said “Bride/Groom/Spouse”. Easy-peasy.

“respect each other’s feelings.”