78 Famed Artists Including Kara Walker, Cindy Sherman, and Marina Abramovic Condemn the Dana Schutz Protest
78 Famed Artists Including Kara Walker, Cindy Sherman, and Marina Abramovic Condemn the Dana Schutz Protest
The other day on my break I saw a car parked at walmart. AMERICA FIRST was plastered across the back window, flags on the bumper lid and pretty much a cornicopia of racist and xenophobic bumper stickers. “Do we really need a black man asking america for change? [Obama pictured here]”, “BUCK OFAMA”, “U.S. Illegal…
Fuck if I know. On the one hand I’m over the moon that they are doing something finally to limit him, on the other hand the person this benefits most is Jeff Fucking Sessions, and I loathe that guy. On the third hand, as long as he’s in place, Muller is probably in place too, so I’m over the moon about that as well.
He’ll just build a seawall. And France will pay for it.
Kelly will tighten up the office and the staff, but he can’t ever manage Trump for long. The more success Kelly has, the more the media will talk about his success, the more he will be seen as controlling Trump. That perception will nag at Trump until he literally can’t help but act out. Every single time.
Do you think it can last though? Every few weeks we’re promised that a new, more professional administration is just around the corner and then something happens that rattles Mr Orange’s cage and we’re back to square one.
Ugh. It’s my worst nightmare. Kelly is going to impose discipline on this bunch of clowns, and the craven incompetence will not be so glaringly obvious.
That’s a 101 money laundering right there. Btw, is there a Republican without financial ties to Russia?
Color me shocked that a billionaire coal man from the South is a republican.
It looks like the news is that West Virginia Governor Jim Justice will switch parties from Democrat to Republican.
Of course he said that.
She would have shot all the college graduates in the Benghazi because emails.
I mean, is there even a difference?
I would think this was a dog whistle for his fans, but come on, his fans don’t go to college! They think edumacation is for libtards. And librul professors are ruining our youth.
Good thing we dodged that Shillary. She would have pulled the same shit but probably even worse.
Sarah Huckster actually makes me miss Spicey.
We’re now in a situation where the heads of the US Armed Forces, traditionally some of the most stubborn socially conservative people on the planet, are more tolerant than the President.
This is interesting. I’ve been waiting 6 mos. to see someone say something like this. Just didn’t expect it to be Sen. Jeff Flake (R-AZ):
My college’s SGA was run better than this admin.