Same. No one on either side of my family lives past late 60s-early 70s. Cheers!
Same. No one on either side of my family lives past late 60s-early 70s. Cheers!
Yes, their blind items have been very disturbing lately.
Along with the Louis C.K. revelations, I feel like Gawker/Jezebel were way out front with these stories.
I was just telling my husband how fucked up it is in the country that a military head is actively defying orders from the president (lowercase on purpose).
I’ve wondered the same. Hell, I guess they can always start a Go Fund Me campaign. I’m sure the same ppl who demonize ppl on Medicaid/Food Stamps/Welfare will fall over themselves to donate.
I don’t know know if it’s cognitive dissonance or what, but I realized not too long ago that we really are living in different perceptions of reality. I think it was the video of the school police officer slamming a black female down. I saw that on the video. Apparently, some others saw a black female punching the…
I have similar dreams a few times a year. They’re so anxiety inducing!
Thank you! Rapert and Hester are state politicians. They are the worst. I’m surprised Rapert, especially, has never appeared in an article on Jezebel.
Thank you!
Tangential but connected to the Arkansas fetal burial law/Session’s abortion beliefs: Guys I have no where else to vent. I just had a miscarriage at 6 wks. I need to know who do I send all the bloody pads/tissue/underwear to? Do I fish out the blood clots from the toilet? Who do I send the remains to? Jason Rapert?…
God, I actually just teared up a little bit thinking abt what could have been.
I’m confused by Gwen’s colorist’s statement:
It really does fit! The more times change...
It’s being reported that Rosenstein didn’t even tell Sessions until after the order had been signed🙌🏼😆
As petty and as corrupt as Trump is, surely Comey anticipated this and has passed on any pertinent evidence to other trusted individuals.
I know I shouldn’t. He’ll win reelection no matter what. There has to be someone in the GOP that will step up and hold this administration accountable!
Absolutely spineless. I shouldn’t be disappointed, but I am.
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