
“Damned if you do, damned if you don’t.” -the so-called Leftist’s lament. This is how we eat our own, continuously. It’s exhausting. Focus, people. Focus on what matters!

This seriously did not need to be the week to take a dump on Taylor Swift for doing something right. 

Especially in this highly charged atmosphere. A post like this is guaranteed to result in threats. This took guts. 

I thought she was just explaining once you have Captain America you are forever horny. I think I would be.

Thank you for artfully putting into words what I was thinking and just was not able to do properly.

2009-2015, it was “show us your birth certificate!”

Unless the economy tanks in the next two years (very possible), she’ll get stomped. And I like Warren a lot and think we’d be lucky to have her lead the country. But she’s going to look like a nagging shrew, and the America I know isn’t voting for that over the loud asshole that appeals to their basest (and racist)

YES. Imagine, for a moment, that the FBI investigation confirms and/or finds something really bad on Kavanaugh. Who is going to take the heat? THE FBI, which already gets torched on the regular by the Trump WH. Yes, Flake will get some grumbles, but the tinfoil hat crowd will be completely revved up against the FBI as

I don’t get him. He has nothing to lose. He could leave on a high note as the man who changed history and listened to women, ans then leave the Senate on his high horse never having to worry about a re-election campaign ever again. He could cement his place in history books as the one Republican Senator who truly

It’s probably why Trump likes him. Cray recognize cray.

Right. Like if you waited all your life, what’s another couple weeks to allow for an FBI investigation? Regardless, he’ll always have an asterisk next to his name if/when confirmed.

Yes.  At this point, even if the Rs don’t believe Christine Blasey Ford, they have to know that Kavanaugh was lying about pretty much everything else, large and small.  He was just...unhinged yesterday.  

It’s not unpopular here, the supposed “DemSoc Bernie” Left’s fucking purity contest has potentially fucked everyone on the planet but at least they got to feel smug about their useless old White guy not being popular outside their White Middle-Class playing Working-Class “Class Warfare” demographic by fucking over

This. If there’s one thing Republicans do right, it’s understanding the importance of the Supreme Court, and appointing judges in general. They’re damn near obsessed, and for good reason. The Democrats are only now starting to catch on but progressives don’t seem to get that at the end of the day, it doesn’t matter if

This may be an unpopular opinion, but am I the only one who’s a bit annoyed by all the passion from progressives on this issue? Trump’s Supreme Court nominations aren’t a surprise, we knew whoever won between he and Hillary would make 2-4 of them. Still, progressives couldn’t be bothered to come out and vote yet now

Kavanaugh is acting like an insane dictator. When they asked about delaying, he said he’s waited his entire life for this. He honestly thinks he was born to become SCJ. People should be extremely concerned, not just because he’s a sex offender, but because he is batshit insane. His outburst proved it, and his “waited

Love this burn from a protestor:

I also don’t like it being “between a person and her doctor” because most doctors (#notalldoctors, lol) are fucking useless at weight loss advice. I went in for a checkup and the doctor tut-tutted about my weight (wow, I’m fat? Gee doc I never noticed!) and instructed me, in one sentence, to “get more excercise and

I have terrible knee, hip, and back problems. I’ve been told repeatedly that I should lose the weight to make things better and that my weight is the cause of my problems.  No doctor has listened to me when I have told them that I have had knee issues since I was a skinny 12 year old or that the hip and back problems

I used to think that weight was between a person and their doctor. Then I had sciatica about 10 years ago. My first neurology appointment the doctor shamed me for 45 minutes about how my weight was causing my sciatica. Fast forward 9 years and 50# lighter.... I still fucking have that sciatica and wish I could scream