
He’d be a fool not to. Though, contrary to popular opinion, I’m not sure if he’s the kind of Republican that gets the party base hot-and-bothered. He ass was about to be run out of Indiana on a rail before he fell onto Trump’s ticket. He’s the kind of guy that would have excited them back in 2000 or 2014. Now? They

Who among us hasn’t met with a Russian lobbyist offering dirt on our father’s political opponent as a pretext to talk about sanctions, forgotten to talk about the dirt, and then lied about it for months?


Exactly. It’s the fact that it should blow the whole administration sky-high but we know it will make exactly no impact. They’ll make a limp attempt at gas-lighting the nation and then move swiftly along.

This is exactly how I feel.

It’s just gotten to the point that news like this just depresses me. It’s just another reminder of the kind of thing that’s supposed to obviously matter, but that obviously isn’t going to.

One has to wonder what kind of level of horror will have to happen in order to get gun control? I really thought a class of murdered children should have swayed gun advocates, but sadly even that wasn’t enough. Even worse there were actually morons saying it didn’t even happen. I feel terrible for the victims in this

What every gender reveal party really needs is a good guy with a gun.

“Ohio is an open-carry state that allows residents to openly possess firearms with or without a license.”

Way OT, but did anybody see this guy from ABC (Aussie Broadcast Co) absolutely demolish Trump at the G20?

It could be argued that Lafayette was ever the only genuinely likeable character on TB, entirely because of Mr. Ellis’ immense talent and effortless charm.

And the writing got bad really quickly—I think in the middle of season 2 I realized I was hate-watching the show rather than merely watching it. Lafayette was the only consistently solid part on the show, and it was because Ellis’s talent could take the worst line and deliver it with such flair it was sold.

Even from episode 1, he was - hands down - the best character on the entire show. And when he got to interact with Alfre Woodard, it was just golden.

There were seasons where he was the only likeable character. His talent shined through no matter how bad the writing got.

There were times where he was the only likable character on that show. How sad, he was so young.

Hillary would have been so badass at the g20. Can’t you just picture her with Merkel, side by side in matching pantsuits, running the fucking world?

God that feels like five years ago.

Hey, remember back in 2016 when Trump was going on about Hillary being on death’s door and not having enough physical stamina to be president? Good times.

If they’re trying to convince me that he doesn’t have Alzheimer’s and the only person who can manage him is his daughter, they’re failing. Miserably.