I think we’re living in a simulation and someone pressed the ‘I feel lucky’ button.
I think we’re living in a simulation and someone pressed the ‘I feel lucky’ button.
i’ve had the exact same thought every day since he was nominated
And someone who hates public schools as head of public schools!
Reading those tweets from the President of the United States just reminded me, once more, that on some level I still literally do not believe any of this is real. This can’t be real life. I know greed and evil and discrimination have been around forever and probably always will. But has it ever been this...farcical?…
We have a climate change denier running the EPA, so yes.
Is it just me or is the new director of the CDC...not terrible? A pro-vax advocate who thinks that abortion should be a decision between a woman and her doctor is about the best we could hope for under this administration.
“It’s okay to eat fish/Cause they don’t have any-OH. Uh, huh.”
And I’m sure nothing will happen.
“that students who are lied to and mistreated by their school get the relief they are owed, and that schools that harm students are held responsible for their behavior,”
Are you that big a fan of KFC Famous Bowls?
I would *really* like to know from whom the Hobby Lobby asswipes bought these artifacts. I have a sick feeling that the answer is ‘Daesh.’
Uses the word “homeland” unironically in a video shot in a gas chamber.
I just....I don’t....what even?
Today at a hardware store I saw a hybrid with Infowars, Hillary for Prison and Trump stickers.
52 weeks. hahahaha! The “best” US employers offer 3 months paid. THat’s like, “holy smokes, i can’t believe your employer offers that! That’s amazing!” kind of maternity plan. Most large employers offer you 3 months unpaid. Most small employers don’t offer you anything.
“Thug,” “that’s how those people act,” ghetto trash,” all that nice dog-whistle racist language.
Ugh, 100% accurate. If Obama had made any invocations to violence that were even a fraction of what Trump has done, the “thug” narrative would be in full force and effect.
The president of the united states is a shitposter.
I’m to the point where the only thing I found surprising about this is that he’s figured out how to embed a video in a tweet.