
One of the saddest aspects of this for Little Rock is how the community is responding (online via Facebook comments to the news reports) to the shooting. No love, no concern, no sympathy. Just a bunch of racist bible thumpers. I’ve seen a friend who lives in Little Rock comment about it saying “this doesn’t happen at

This “polite” society nonsense will be the death of us.

Yep. Hutchinson will be scratching his head all night and trying to figure out how legally concealed guns in nightclub led to a mass shooting.

I’m sure he does.

I didn’t read it as him blaming Beyonce, but it did sound like he was putting some of the onus on the woman/women he cheated with. Which is stupid. It may take two people to cheat, but only Jay decided to do it on his own. His cheating partners can’t make that decision for him.

I find it funny that Beyonce and Jay Z are so hung up on Becky, and he even tells her to let it go.

This seems like a really important paragraph:

Damn you guys. Call me crazy but I’m starting to think that some kind of fuckery went on with the election!!

“the Wall Street Journal is reporting that during the election, a now-deceased GOP operative named Peter W. Smith”

yes, i am freaking out. no, i dont have any encouragement and i am sorry for that. my coping has been limited to drinking and napping.

Enjoy your President, hillbillies.

I don’t think he even gives a shit whats in the Senate bill. If it passes, he will lie about it and spin it to be the greatest thing ever. It doesn’t matter to him as it will get put in the win column.

Okay slight correction: could get it

Second dude from the left in the first pic can get it, though.

and if it does, its probably a witch.

Those who voted for him must be thrilled at those negotiating skills he’s let loose. He’s really brought his A game to this President thing.

“This will be great if we get it done, and if we don’t get it done, it’s just going to be something that we’re not going to like and that’s OK and I understand that very well,”

You know how if you watch some shitty TV show (like say, the Kardashians), even for a couple of minutes, you feel dumber for having done it?

It probably stands for “Obama” and is another slam of him.

I think Muller should interview him (on TV?) and preface every question with “Now, I know you’re not smart enough to get involved with the Russians by yourself, so I’m sure Flynn, Manafort or Kushner were the brains behind this, but can you tell me why ...” or “I don’t think you deserve any credit for the ingenious