
He’s smiling because the March of Dimes helped rehabilitate him through Polio and he’ll he damned if any other child gets the same sorts of courtesy. More and more I really hope there’s a hell because a lot of these asshole are going to be really fucking surprised to show up there.

I just... there’s no part of this that is smart. It makes no strategic sense. It doesn’t appease donors. It screws the GOP demographic. It’s both too extreme and too moderate for the party. It’s just stupid. In addition to being evil, but I think that goes without saying.

I am going to love the sticker shock Schadenfreude for all the Appalachia Trump supporters from my neck of Ohio (where he won 75% of the vote.) You get the government you deserve.

I’m waiting for him to strangle a toddler on live television, only to be told by Fox News and congressional republicans that it was no big deal and demands for an explanation as to why are democrats trying to politicize toddler strangling, and because he’s the president than he gets to strangle any toddler he chooses.

I thought, according to him, Comey was lying in his testimony? Now Trump lied about tapes in order to force Comey to tell the truth, leading one to believe that what Comey said was 100% accurate?

Wait, is he literally boasting about obstruction/witness tampering/testimony influencing?

I generally assume everything he says is a lie, so good point.

If anything encapsulates his horrible, soulless version of “libertarianism” and other such crap it’s this image.

I can’t believe the number of times I have said to my self: what kind of country have we become? since cheeto was inaugurated.

There’s no end to the evil you can accomplish if you can convince poor people to blame other poor people for their poverty.

Everyday there’s a new low.

Every day I go to my mailbox, lookin’ for my Soros check and I get nuttin’!

They’ll deny the protesters were really disabled, and assume it was all a big staged protest, with participants paid for by The Left.

But her emails? I am sorry I can’t get over it.

Death panels. Death panels for granpa in a nursing home and on Medicaid, for the children currently on Medicaid (40% of all children in the US), death panels for the disabled and those in SSI which are also covered by Medicaid, death panels for pregnant women who use Medicaid for maternity care (half of them). But

You know that fucker was making them buy name brand.

I imagine that could be confusing if you didn’t know that asshat “Pro-Life” twit was constantly working against the best interests of his interests...

I don’t have endometriosis but I too experience crippling pain during my period unless I micro-manage it like a damn pageant mom. If my government (not the US) were to take away my means to manage it I would have to take sick days nearly every month. A few months ago I messed up with my BC (first time in almost 10

The pro-life movement is a fucking misnomer. I have never understood why they are against this sort of thing. There’s a million reasons to be against abortions, but you really aren’t if you’re against contraceptives and people protecting themselves. You’re just against people having sex and enjoying their sex lives