
That escalated quickly, yes? Remember the old days when we thought those travel bans were testing the limits of outrage? A few days ago there were people with actual torches protesting over the removal of a Confederate statue. I can’t even believe this stuff is happening.

I’m getting pissed because the GOP spin is slowly turning into “If this is obstruction Comey is complicit...”

I literally just texted “Comey out here dropping receipts!” to one of my friends. And who would have thought Comey would have lots of notes on someone he was ... investigating? (I would.)

YUP. As much as I hate the idea of a President Pence, I want nothing more than to see Donald Trump and his garbage family get kicked the fuck out of the White House. I want it like Gollum wants his Precious.

They would have stormed the White House and lynched her by now.

It’ll take time but it does appear to be accelerating. Going to take time to chip away at his cult of personality.

Comey got receipts, motherfucker!

Seriously fuck all of those people who pretended that Hillary was worse than Donald.

“Three WH officials told the Times that their boss was, essentially, too stupid to have actually leaked harmful information to Russia.”

I swear to God I am going to lose my shit if Jill Stein sticks her mug out of the ground in 2020.

Can we just skip the impeachment and annul this presidency? I’d say we could just abort it, but we’re in the second trimester, and Paul Ryan is going to make sure we carry it to term, even if it kills us.

Seriously fuck all of those people who pretended that Hillary was worse than Donald. Not only was she competent, she would have been a great president. The people who voted for this orange buffoon all deserve to suffer the consequences of their vote.

Is this finally it??? Can this please be the beginning of the end? I’m totally dying for the day the universe rights itself and this orange fuckhead gets the boot. Then I go the closest bar I can find, drop $20 in the jukebox, play “FDT” on repeat, and proceed to get sloshed in the name of sweet, sweet liberty.

“But I just COULDN’T vote for Hillary Clinton”

Re: The three WH officials:

It’s amazing how this one gif sums up my feelings since November so perfectly.

i loved the shit out of this show. i can’t say it enough. jude law was deliciously sassy and RUDE AF and hot as shit in his tight little tracksuits. so smug. i want more hot young pope lenny but i trust sorrentino so i’m excited to see what he’ll do next.

Keeping track of all the TV out there is a part-time job these days.