I have been asking Director Comey & others, from the beginning of my administration, to find the LEAKERS in the intelligence community.....
I have been asking Director Comey & others, from the beginning of my administration, to find the LEAKERS in the intelligence community.....
And once again, my father, who, as I have said before on other posts, predicted Trump’s nomination, win, and Russian connections (“there are too many Russians in this campaign”), was right - he also predicted that Trump would blab top secret information to either reporters or foreign countries. He’s been right about…
It was classified intelligence from a partner source, an allied nation that would have to approve the declassification of the info because their agents in place would be at risk of serious harm if the info got out. And of course Trump didn’t declassify the intel, he babbled pridefully to his Russian handlers. …
See: Personality Disorder
And Dipshit Donald is too stupid to know he’s being played.
I will never not star “but her emails” posts.
I could imagine if Trump and these Republicans were in power during WWII.
Has the right to declassify information doesn’t mean to our FUCKING enemy, you money blinded pieces of decrepit dog shit.
Since the information is “declassified”, that means everyone can file a FOIA request. Refusing to do so shows that he didn’t officially declassify it and intentionally revealed state secrets.
Trump is like the guy in hs who so wants to hang with the cool kids that he sells out his lifelong friends by telling all their secrets and the cool kids just laugh at him.
I expect there will be a lot of ‘concerns’ by Republicans who are very ‘troubled’ by this, but in the end they’ll just want to ‘keep an eye on the situation’ (as they slowly back away into the bushes)
Why WHY do the same people who scream about Hillary’s emails not realize this is 100x worse in every way? How can they believe that one is horrible, terrible, unforgivable, OH SO BAD, but this? This is fine. Not real. Fake news.
I can’t wait for Paul Ryan, Marcus Rubinstein, et al to come out with their courageous condemnations of this, since I know how concerned they are about mishandling of classified information. /s
Considering something like 96% of the people who voted Trump think he’s doing a good job, I kinda doubt it.
Wait. Isn’t a summer in Europe supposed to be enjoyable as opposed to you know, a living hell?
has there ever been a good sketch after weekend update? I’m pretty sure the answer is no
God, can he say fucking *anything* that isn’t all about himself? Such a piece of shit.
I will never understand how so many ‘religious’ people support him. I mean I don’t really understand how *any* people support him, but Christians largely (bigly?) rallying behind such a figure of vaulgarity is perplexing.