No offense taken. I get what you’re saying. But even homophobic middle America loves Anderson Cooper. And Ellen. They can do no wrong, so I’m not sure this was harmful.
No offense taken. I get what you’re saying. But even homophobic middle America loves Anderson Cooper. And Ellen. They can do no wrong, so I’m not sure this was harmful.
*We’re screwed, aren’t we?*
Oh FFS. If the Democrats can’t grow a damn spine now, then they never will. We are so fucked. Thanks dumb fucks who voted for Trump, congrats, you destroyed our democracy!
Trump wrote “While I greatly appreciate you informing me, on three separate occasions, that I am not under investigation, I nevertheless concur with the judgment of the Department of Justice that you are not able to effectively lead the Bureau,” which seems like a surprisingly candid hint into why he was really fired.
I’m just waiting for him to drop the F bomb! Ha ha ha
CNN is kind of fun right now. Everyone’s so stunned and flabbergasted by everything they can barely speak. Except for Jeffrey Toobin who’s in full rant mode and keeps on screaming “this isn’t normal!”
Lindsey Graham already expressed his support for this “fresh start” on FB. We need to pummel our Senators with pressure harder than we have so far.
If mishandling Clinton’s emails was the real reason he would have been fired day one.
I think she scared them yesterday.
Comey deserves a place in hell for his letter but he seemed to be deeply serious about Trump Russia. He was, I thought, the only one who could save us. Which is probably why he’s gone
We are SO screwed.
And now even some Democrats are falling in line.
Yeah, that one quote says everything.
stop thinking john mccain is going to do anything about it. as an arizona resident, trust me, he just comlects his check, reminds us he’s a war hero, and does whatever the republicans tell him to.
Oh yeah, Trump definitely fired Comey over the way he handled Hillary’s emails, giving the election to Trump. It DEFINITELY has nothing to do with the FBI investigation of Trump’s ties to Russia. Definitely...
Lindsay Graham has released a statement saying he agrees with Trump. America, you guys are so screwed.
He absolutely deserved to be fired for what he did to Clinton. But let’s not kid ourselves that he was fired for that reason. He was fired because Trump is afraid that Comey is on to something. This is beyond Watergate levels of corruption. We need a special independent prosecutor to oversee that investigation. …
Comey was a self-interested and not terribly competent careerist who deserves to get handed his head but I’m hyperventilating thinking what hideous monster will be running the Bureau next. Day drinking starts in 3...2... now.
Jim’s response: “Lordy! I guess I only see one door now, and it is marked ‘exit’”
The last one. Lindsey Graham has really a particularly delightful brand of mean.