
BINGO! This was the most petty and pedantic moment which made it all the more delicious when she rocked him. “I’m ALSO FAMILIAR with an additional provision of the INA...” Boom Senator Chodeface, you just got READ!

You know what made it DELICIOUS? Cruz had this smarmy “I think I’m James Dean” look on his face...then got pulverized.

I really wanted her to say something like, “No, Senator, unlike you I graduated at the top of my class AND had a social life.”

They spent the entire time trying to deflect onto “But the leaks - But Hillary’s emails - But your firing”. It was disgusting. Meanwhile, we apparently needed 3000 investigations into Benghazi to find nothing.

Anyone noticing that most of the liberal heroes right now are women?

No, I’m sure it was Cruz but you’re right. The Louisiana guy was such a smarmy, insecure little man.

Yeah, anyone who supports Trump is going to be watching FOX news and reading Brietbart who will paint this as “Cruz utterly DESTROYS Sally Yates”. By virtue of the fact that he’s a white male speaking to an intelligent woman. Same way they thought Trump “won” all three debates even though he sounded like a third

This is one of the few times I’d really like to know how some moderates feel. As a liberal, I definitely agree but I’m always trying to see both sides. In this case, I can’t imagine there is another side.

There was an earlier moment in the Cruz/Yates exchange that really pissed me off and makes Yates’ response so much more delicious. Cruz asks Yates if she was familiar with 8 U.S.C. 1182 and she says “not at the top of my head, no.”

It’s been clear for a while, but most GOP politicians have opted for party over country. Sad.

Oh, you missed the fucko from Louisiana, Kennedy, asking her “what makes something constitutional” (the travel ban, Muslim) and “since when was she on the Supreme Court (or some shit).

She was great today.

Video of the Cornyn exchange, with a lovely flashback added for extra juicy context... 

“I was trying to explain that all hospitals are required by law to treat patients in need of emergency care regardless of their ability to pay and that the Republican plan does not change that,”

That’s been doctored, right? That can’t be real.

I posted this is in the initial AHCA post, but there were 600+ comments so I’m sure it got lost. I just wanted to share my experience today in DC because it was so utterly sickening:

Word. Let them celebrate - and take pictures and video of it. Everyone has a camera.

Can I be arrested for throwing cake at Jeff Flake? What about if it’s a ding dong? Those suck anyway. They are only good for hitting heartless money grubbers in the face.

We’re going to need a bigger march.

I’m taking comfort in the knowledge that a shit ton of Trump voters are going suffer under this (of course a shit ton who didn’t vote Trump are also going to suffer)