
Christ Almighty, what a dysfunctional toxic waste dump. The only person I feel any sympathy at all for is Barron.

Eyewitness testimony is so much more dubious than people like to admit.

Exactly- if the death penalty is a serious punishment for the guilty shouldn’t we make 100% sure the right person is being punished. Sure there are issues with DNA testing but it’s far more accurate than eyewitness testimony particularly that of a traumatised child.

I don’t see the harm in doing DNA testing in both Johnson and Lee’s cases.

Exactly. Crow T. Robot is the one who decides who lives and who dies.

The name should have been retired after Michelle left in the same way sports teams retire numbers when they stop playing

Packers fan here. I loved the Rodgers-Munn pairing, for exactly the first two reasons you mentioned, not sure about the third.

Since this elevation of conflict will surely produce more refugees, 45 is going to open up our borders, right? RIGHT?

And, he’s down at Mar-a-Lago because of course he is.

Donald Trump Orders Military Strike Against Syria in Response to 35% Approval Rating and Russia Investigations.

Did i win anything? NO? wrong show??

You either live long enough to get a pre-existing condition, or you die at 35 from something totally preventable. Yay!

Do they wake up every day and ask themselves how they can screw people? Is there any piece of legislation or one action that they’ve put forth to help others?

I blame all the center- and right-leaning people who voted for Gary Fucking Johnson instead of, you know, the candidate that actually had a chance of winning.

What is even his reasoning behind this latest attack on women, does anyone know? 

Remember how people were saying there was really no difference between him and Hillary and millions of women believed it?


Also “I disagree with your existence but I still have a GOOD HEART!!!!”

“I disagree with your existence, but can’t we be friends?”

We just had a luncheon to celebrate Women’s Month and had Stephanie Flowers, who is a state senator here in Arkansas, speak to us about the importance of women in the federal government. After her talk she was asked about upcoming legislation and she proceeded to talk for some time about the chaos in the state