Mike Flynn 2016: “When you are given immunity you’ve probably committed a crime.”
What this is called is job security for lawyers. They’re the only ones who are going to make money off of this.
So confused, and horrified, but let’s focus on confused. I investigate a woman’s pregnancy history and find out: 1. That she’s had 20 million abortions and one conviction for eating fetuses, 2. That she’s never been pregnant before, 3. That she’s had 3 healthy children, 4. That she’s actually a Martian. Okay, WTF do I…
Setting aside the privacy aspect, what would the doctor actually be looking at? Other than a past history of aborting female fetuses or something, which wouldn’t necessarily be apparent if this is the first time, I don’t see how a doctor could know why a woman is getting an abortion from her past medical history.
There is no way this withstands legal challenges. It’s not only an invasion of privacy, but it’s an imposition on medical professionals. Doctor’s job is not to “investigate”. This is the kind of “oppressive regulation” Republicans claim to be against.
things, no words, just things.
I saw that article — Robert Murray, corpulent assclown and owner of the largest privately held coal mining company in the US.
Have we talked today about what a fucking piece of shit Trump is? I don’t feel like I’ve voiced my daily affirmations yet.
Is there anything this man does normally? I have never see him do any human behavior that doesn’t look completely bizarre.
Where does Sean Spice stand on a nice Dijon Vinagrette? Too French, and therefore libtard socialist salad dressing?
The Democrats will make a deal with me on healthcare as soon as ObamaCare folds - not long. Do not worry, we are in very good shape!
Getting rid of environmental regulations to save coal jobs is like getting rid of animal abuse laws to save the horse and buggy industry when cars were invented.
I agree. Trump’s argument that environmental regs killed coal is a lie. Fracking killed coal. Natural gas and renewables have made coal economically unviable for the most part.
This man even with a clear majority in both houses and SCOTUS is still only able to pass things by Exec Order.
Obama signing executive orders: a constitutional crisis from a man that thinks he’s a king.
They do the same thing with “He tells it like it is” to “That’s not what he REALLY meant”
Is Trump like an infallible god to these people? Whatever happens it’s never his fault but someone else’s. The cognitive dissonance is something to behold.
It’s charming how quickly his backers can switch from “Donald is an alpha male silverback gorilla who will not shit from anyone” to “Donald is a precious little baby who is not accustomed to Washington, D.C., and must be sheltered from those nasty politicians”. Supporting Donald is a tremendously corrupting enterprise.