
My bae looks so much happier now since he left but I still miss him so much 😞

Dude is OVER IT.

i miss you, babbeh, so much 😰

Hm, it looks like there wasn’t a single woman involved in the negotiations to gut maternity and newborn coverage.

“Whoa, there little lady: you can’t expect insurance to cover bells and whistles upgrades, like those breasts and ovaries! Should have gone with the basic model...”

To give you a sense of how much Republican lawmakers care about women, take this vignette from Senator Pat Roberts today. When asked by a TPM reporter if he supported repealing Obamacare, Roberts sarcastically responded, “I wouldn’t want to lose my mammograms.”

Suck it dinkwads.

AHCA crashing and burning? This is not a surprise. The GOP, both in Congress and across the country, is NOT really a single party any longer, but rather (at least) two very different political parties—the Tea Party/alt right and the remnants of “moderate” Republicans/conservatives and their allies—artificially united…

I’ve been breathing in this (somewhat) clean air this whole time for no reason? I’ve had it with stupid liberals ruining everything.

Republicans: We like environmentalism but.... what if global warming is wrong? Then we made our air cleaner for nothing!?

That fucking family just doesn’t know when enough rope is enough.

Well, the Chelsea did live in the WH when Bill was president. /s

Don’t you ever underestimate a Trump supporter’s ability to squeeze “But Clinton...” into any conversation, about literally any topic.

Finally, a Trump story that his supporters can’t “But Clinton...” because they would lose their damn minds if Chelsea did this.

I don’t know how old you are, but I tell people all the time that that one thing is one of the perks of being older. You don’t have to keep up the exhausting facade of “what this? Oh I only like this ironically.” Hell yeah I like Metallica and Britney at the same time!

When I was a young alternative person, it was shameful to like Britney. I’m glad I can love her with abandon now.

And yet no sense that anything at all will become of this. Trump lies with impunity. Words have lost all meaning.

to quote the great deadspin (nee gawker) writer Ashley Feinberg:

I know it’s been said, many times many ways, but he...really has no idea what’s going on, does he?

April 2011: