
Exactly. Whether we like it or not, celebrities have enormous pull with the general population.

The Dump kids are trying their hardest to look like “an American Family in the White House” through social media. For every one of Ivanka’s bullshit family instagram photos, we need to blast her with photos of dying Syrian children in response.

I hope every single thank you speech will be an anti-Trump statement. And wouldn’t it be cool if all women on the red carpet would wear slogan t-shirts with their gala outfits. Dior makes them so... Or pussyhats.

I know a lot of people will say “so what, celebrities” etc etc but this is good. Celebrities are highly visible people and everyone needs to condemn this descent into autocracy. We can’t rest solely on slacktivism or celebrity endorsement, or get complacent with what should be an ever-evolving and intersectional

The Academy better put its money where its mouth is, and make a very public statement during the ceremony in protest of the ban, as it directly attacks their members and a nominee, Asghar Farhadi.

Glad that Kim K’s posted that... I believe her audience is not political, or even republican, which means that she has a basis for educating them. Facts! They still exist.

Let’s keep working on it. We need to do more.

I’m starting to think Obama’s Presidency was too boring. It lulled people to sleep. For eight years you could go to sleep at night and go to work during the day and trust that the President was making a reasoned decision about the course of the Nation. It may have led people to become a little too cavalier with their

Apparently, Trump’s team drafted the executive order without any consultations with the Department of Justice and other federal departments directly effected by it. They don’t even know who wrote it. Everyone from top ranking officials to customs agents at airports were freaking out because they had no notice of this

I know panic around these parts over Trump has been severe, but we have far stronger democratic institutions in the United States than people tend to give credit to unless and until they’re needed in a crisis.

“Never again!” We yelled for years, without actually fucking meaning it, apparently.

This is what America did to the Jews in WWII. We are literally repeating history and no one is stopping this.

Fuck Trump, fuck everyone who voted for Trump, fuck the people who didn’t vote Clinton because they were nursing grievances over Sanders, fuck the people who voted Stein or Johnson because they were trying to make a point/protest over Bernie’s treatment by the DNC (it sucked, but surprise, we ALL had something much

This is such an unimaginable reality. How has it only been just over a week since Obama was our President? It feels like the country has been razed.

The people applauding this have really gotten to me today. I read an interview with Trump supporters who are so happy because ‘their’ country is finally being ‘taken back’. It made me physically ill. I wish I could do something other than cry and give the ACLU all of my money.

DHS has confirmed greencard holders are also barred from those nations.

Um, maybe I missed when it happened over the past 8 years but when did the US military fall into such disrepair that it required rebuilding?

This is horrifying. I don’t want to listen to people tell me give Trump a chance. Look what he just did.

It has been a WEEK, a fucking week.

Other than calling your officials and donating to the ACLU, what can we do? Anyone have any ideas?