Well, I can take joy in the pain of people who are regretting their votes because Donald is not building a wall/prosecuting Clinton. I really don’t have a lot of sympathy for those ones.
Well, I can take joy in the pain of people who are regretting their votes because Donald is not building a wall/prosecuting Clinton. I really don’t have a lot of sympathy for those ones.
Look he can’t hel...
Yes. His apologists of course will never admit that. He’s merely a pawn that is being used to cause chaos in countries that Putin views as a threat. And that is what history will remember him as: a tool.
“It’s Merry Christmas, not happy holidays, and if you think otherwise,you’re part of the War on Christmas!”
If i was a Christ Trash bimbo, i would make jokes about how delicate liberals are, even though i just helped elect a thin-skinned game show host fop to the highest office in the land.
I can’t decide which is worse. The President-Elect’s family thinking that their son MAYBE having autism is worthy of a defamation lawsuit, or the President-Elect’s family using intimidation tactics against an autistic teenager who was trying to convince people to leave their son’s behavior alone.
The Trumps:
Exactly. Fuck these assholes.
So... what is a burial for a bean-sized fetus like? Can you just bury it in your tomato garden or does there need to be a bunch of bureaucratic bullshit and paperwork? Or a ceremony? Do you have to plan an entire funeral luncheon?
This is really really stupid, and terrible. A lot of fetal remains in miscarriages are so small we can’t even really find them in pathology, let alone cremate or bury them. And if pathology is done, the remains are in formaldehyde and kept for X days (Depends on protocol of the facility) and then you have the little…
As has been noted here, it’s very telling that they don’t require cremation/burial if you happen to abort, spontaneously or otherwise, at home. What exactly are they trying to accomplish here?
Was in my 30's when a one night stand became a pregnancy. At six weeks I underwent an abortion and afterward, asked to see. A teeny, tiny red clot - is all I can described the blob. Having seeing greater red blobs in my life, the image was healing. Having that blob been made to undergo anything but a draining is…
So they plan to improve public health by making people who do not know how to handle medical waste handle medical waste.
Is there a way they could make it more economical? Like do a “bulk waste incineration cremation” or something?
Seriously, WTF. What if I bring my own lighter? Can I get a discount?
The mess that is Texas...
If no birth or death certificates are required why should this sort of medical waste be treated any differently than an amputated limb or organ?
It seems awfully strange to me to be concerned over cremating something that’s the size of a grape.
For a party that hates big government they sure do a lot of it.
Don’t it, tho? I keeping having this vision of counting down to 2017 and instead 2016 starts all over again. Or we find out we’re actually still in November. Like Groundhog Day meets John Cusack trying to get out of that evil-ass room in 1408.