ChalupaBatwoman got a new work computer



Right? Like, I know a raging miserable bitch who is a "self employed small business owner" (she sells Herbalife) and this is all she posts. After a while, it's like, who is the person who needs all this affirmation? Is it you, Herbalife salesperson? It's you, right?

joy behar looks like sally jesse raphael and that is all that I have to say about that.

I don’t think so either, I think we just have two separate readings of the book. Any person when presented with his actions would view Humbert at very best a weak yet manipulative man and at worst, a victim blaming predator and murderer. Regardless, Nabokov wrote someone who is likeable, in spite of all his many

Which is what I said immediately following, that you are supposed to, but you don’

Right? Like, in spite of it all I still really kind of want to like him. It reminds me of Lolita. You are supposed to abhor the narrator because pedophile. But like 95% of the narrative is really humorous and delightful to read and even though you know you should hate him, you don't.

Probably its long strong and sharp lizard talons of death.

Ken, wtf.

I struggle with the same thing and I don’t know why either. I was still a kid when the Lewinsky scandal broke. I didn’t fully understand the situation but even as a child recognized he had demonstrated some serious moral failings. But I also remember listening to him giving his state of the union addresses and

Ok seriously, you can buy a gun on TV but I can't get a liquor store to deliver me booze what in the fucking fuck.

That would be way more honest. I know several people who have had babies this way too. This is the way my sister intends to conceive, by just removing all barriers, hormonal or otherwise and just letting the chips fall where they may. The pregnancies are "unplanned" in that they weren't exactly being intentional in

I think it’s actually really helpful to pull out and examine our undercover feelings,

Cool opinion Carly, enjoy not ever being president.

Yeah I got a goldilocks vibe at the beginning, like “This birth control isn't effective enough, this birth control is TOO effective :("

I just got an IUD last month and it is wonderful, but I seriously can't wait to rip this sucker out in 2-3 years and make a baby with Chalupa Batman.

I just got an IUD last month and it is wonderful, but I seriously can't wait to rip this sucker out in 2-3 years and make a baby with Chalupa Batman.

I am so fucking fed up with the entire world today. Thank FSM for liquor.

oh my god i want a baby so badly. why are they so tiny and cute?

He seems nice.