Chalupa Batwoman

That gif never, ever gets old.

Ooh, let me just skip on over to the living-wage job tree and pick another. Because we all have a whole fucking job-tree orchard to harvest from.

all his women employees love him! He has never had a woman employee quit when he sexually harassed her!

That dude is like CW hot.

‘grats. im jelly.


I feel like there was a real missed opportunity to deploy “Jury Booty” at least once in this post.

The only solution is to start wearing the most terrifying panties possible.

Agreed. Curry was absolutely formidable.

There is no substitute. Stage productions, fine, but I need and want no film version other than the fabulous one we already have.

new Rocky Horror Picture show needs more of the Legent Tim Curry.

She tried serving papers on Chameleon Entertainment HQ but the process servers couldn’t find the building.

DAVID! He’s probably embarrassed because we fucked up his Google results.

Aww who’s a good dog? That dog is!

Dear god, so much this. What an existential nightmare.

I’m with ya. I watched about 45 seconds of Rudy Giuliani yesterday before turning off the TV. I just can’t. It’s not good for my mental health, so I won’t subject myself to it. It’s about all I can do to check the headlines.

No doubt, every last one of them would bitterly complain of ‘political correctness gone amok’ if someone event gently chastised them for their own racist views. I’d love to buy this woman a beer and give her a high five.

You know you they could’ve just ignored her. Its not like she had huge sign with aborted fetuses on it.