
Build it, and they will come.

But LG doesn't produce TV shows or Movies...they make TVs. For their business they should be focusing on quality first, my blu ray/computer/video game console/cell phone/tablet/printer/fridge/garage door opener/etc all have access to netflix and twitter, I don't need the next TV I'm going to buy have those instead of

We don't live in the 1800's anymore. I give it two months tops before someone has a plan to scoop the ash out of the air that can be deployed on a mass worldwide scale.

Do your or someone you know own a blu ray player?

By the time you stopped having bills in your pocket, all the machines will accept coins.

I think the current video game model or near future video game model might actually be an optimal solution for digital delivery. You want a major AAA game/movie/song/book? Every service will have it. You want that XXX which offers features of YYY and ZZZ, well then you're probably best to choose a certain service

Cali had all of their buildings that couldn't withstand a strong quake wiped out years ago. New York, not so much. And when you price out all of those crumbled brownstones at 3 mil each, it's not going to take much to add up to billions of dollars in damage.

One reason may be that they used a seeded environment on their best map that was polished at the expense of other maps. Under ideal conditions on one map could they go live and would the product be a beta? Sure. But how far along is the rest of the product?

While it's not the engineer's fault, I do have issue with the lack of monitoring that took place. If this stage was tested up to 40 mph winds, that means if there are 60 mph winds everyone involved with managing and setting that stage up should have known to evacuate the the area. Something clearly got lost in

Be careful when doing that with Atlus games, they were famous for letting their supply run out at full price in their earlier PS2 days.

Atlus has a large following of people who have been waiting for their next great game or localization. Most of the people who fell in love with their PS2 games and localizations, bought a PS3 and will buy games like Demons Souls and Catherine. By now, Atlus largely can sell games to their fanbase on past credit

Buy/borrow a PS2, and play Persona 3(FES) & 4. Odin Sphere as well while you're at it.

It's that attitude that is one of the reason that they're implementing this.

Your laws suck then, and you should be lobbying for "close in age" exemptions.

The topic is about market cap. Market cap =/= cash. Market cap =/= sales. Market cap =/= profit. The fact that Apple is making a lot of those three categories today, is already reflected by a wide margin in their stock price. The point Odin made, is that their market cap is reflecting that apple would have to

Just to be clear, you're the one who first used the word fanboy, not cassie or Odin. Cassie pointed out it has a hipster following, which is a different concept. Basically, he's pointing out that Apple is successful because they lead in popularity and they're seen as the 'it' thing. It's the flavour of the

Ironically, you could replace every 'windmill' in your question with "coal power plant" and your point doesn't change much. We're stuck with a massive need for power right now because a TON of plants in North America (Canada is tied into your grid too!) are at the end of their lifespan, or even past their usable life

That's why you don't elect your judges/prosecutors/sheriffs/police/tax assessors... They're all civil servants by nature, you shouldn't be electing them.

The interesting thing is...what's going to happen to all of these idiots when their flimsy mask is removed?