
Yeah, any time a story appears too good to be true, it usually is. Apple is clearly primed to take a large drop. To a slightly lesser extent, so it Google...

"i'm gonna start robbing liquor stores with a guy fawkes mask and a lapel pin that says "anonymous". By all this coverage and reasoning, it would put the blame squarely on them, not me. "

Get off your soapbox, stealing is stealing. We as a society don't tolerate it for a reason. Move to one of the countries that allow it if you feel so strong about the subject.

"You should try stepping into 21st century gaming."

The problem arises that studies like that are usually based on competing against intelligent human opponents, under ideal conditions. Playing any amount of an online shooter or a mmorpg will quickly tell you that nothing breaks your immersion in a game quicker then playing with or against a retard.

@Dayvie: You're still thinking in terms of UK system for logic. While something like Saw can get an 18+ rating in the UK and still be sold in stores, in the US it's different. In the US they basically have two options, acceptable or not acceptable. If it's deemed not acceptable, it goes into the "you're a bad