
"switching them up as the waves of enemies shifted form small, quick cherubs to bigger, slower demon robots."

Fair enough, I'll go with subvert over destroy. I can admit being guilty of poor wording!

Sure, season opener is fine, all aired episodes are fair game.

There have been a number of tropes that continuum has purposely destroyed, especially when it comes to female empowerment and equality.

Normally I would agree with you, but I'm damn interested in seeing how the characters react given different opportunities/outcomes. For example, I was super pissed when Emily bit it. I liked her character.

They have her suit as a plot device to get them out of bad writing, so they can leave Kiera alone to make stupid decisions or not pick up on stuff. Most other shows force their characters to make perfect decisions and instantly pick up on cues to get themselves out of the bad writing.

I'm not sure how requiring warning labels, even ugly ones, are a violation of free speech. These warning labels are nothing new, lots of other countries use them and they don't violate anyone's free speech in those countries.

Again, IF sold at retail. In north america, you never see the playstation or xboxes on sale because by the time they eat all the costs of getting those items sold, there's only a few dollars in profit. Comparatively, items like TVs are on sale every single week. If you buy a TV at retail in north america you're a

If you've ever full costed retail electronics in that price range you'd know that's not completely unreasonable. Your local best buy isn't make $30 off of both the 20" TVs and the 70" TVs (hint, they're going to pull in hundreds on the larger TV's). Overhead, labour, profit, transportation, etc, all add up.

They are buying a console. Well, in effect. Transfer pricing is a tricky topic if you haven't had exposure to it. A lot of transfer pricing is forced on you by tax laws of both the importing and exporting countries.

It's a flat % in their calculation.

You tell us!

The actual source is more useful than that infograph:

Transfer price =/= retail. Just because they are close in this example doesn't mean that is always the case. The US retail price is discounted for sales volume over the base transfer price, hence the reason why Sony 'shocked' everyone and came in at $399 after Microsoft announced $499. They're dropping the price

You forgot to mention how after Gizmodo allowed those trolling articles, the editor then abused the comment system to only show people who agreed with him.

I can practice playing football blindfolded while hopping around on one foot, and eventually become good at it. That doesn't make it any less moronic.

People are defined by their actions, not their allegiances. Good people can be working for bad people doing bad things, and bad people can be working for good people doing good things. This show drills that home, and it's what contributes to some of the very uneasy feelings for some of the episodes. Kiera

He suffers from the same attachments that Keira does (hence part of the irony). She would go forward if given the chance, he's going to do everything possible to go back.

I love that they're playing the long game. It reminds me of Kevin Spacey's netflix speech. The fact that Showcase handed Simon Barry and friends a sack of cash and said "go for it" is awesome. The fact they've been rewarded for that faith is even better.