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For them as care, the music in the parkour theft scene is 'No Defense' by 7 Days Before (Noone remix) - thanks as ever to the truly invaluable

The big thing for me is where on earth were the female characters? The original arc is all about Kitty, but they instead decide to make up a random reason she can't go back in time?

It was a really fun watch—they never did explain how Xavier is back after his body was destroyed in X3, though—and I absolutely adored

In one pilot's account, the problem was when the plane was ascending.

We've had these in Canada for years, companies had a couple of years to switch. Only a 4-digit PIN. The PIN is not in the magstripe on the card though, it's on the chip on the card. There was incentive for merchants to switch over, the liability for fraud was at the merchant unless they switched to the new

The reason banks in the US haven't updated is because, with the current system, the vendor is 100% liable. So right now, when a fraudulent card is used, the merchant (VISA/MC/etc) just doesn't pay out to the vendor. Why on earth would they want to change that system?

I'm not sure everyone is getting your 'consequences' distinction... which is a shame because its as neat a breakdown/comparison as they'll ever find. +1

It's very easy to rob a bank. By this logic, our economy should be overrun by bank robbers. It is not, for the same reason the internet isn't in a perpetual state of a DDoS. The consequences.

Fighting over which version is better.

Nice, couldn't have said better. There was nothing objective at all with Giz' love of the Xbox One's DRM.

I have difficulty agreeing with that, especially that example. Kyle Wagner was drooling over the Xbox One before we even knew anything about it. Then there were random and uninformed defenses of Microsoft's policies regarding the Xbox One on Gizmodo that didn't even make sense.

Yes.. a million times this. I was more of a TIE fighter fan though. Nothing beats those old games with 8 floppy install disks.

Shoulda gone with TIE

Star Wars: X-Wing

Isn't that what makes it interesting though?

That's one of my beefs with this show — there's no one to root for. Liber8? No, they may have ok ideas but they're still terrorists and have killed a lot of innocent people. Keira? She's the protagonist, but she fights to keep an oppresive corporatocracy in power. The other police (like Carlos)? No, because they just

Forgive my French, but this shit was cray.

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At the very end of the episode the two freelancers talk to each other and one says something like "Well, this should be about it" and the other one says, "For this timeline, at least"

I shit you not I thought this was just a paid advertisement for Apple. Even reading this I thought it was a paid advertisement, I'm actually still not convinced it isn't. What I could gather, from skimming the remainder after my eyes came dangerously close to rolling out of my eye sockets is that this is a hipster who