
I’m not an overprotective fan of Star Wars, I’m barely a Star Wars fan, and I think the movie was way too long, some characters had no arc, and sure, it’s flashy, but unsatisfactory in the end. It’s like a cartoon show: things end the same way they began. A pity.

You know what’s sad? Everyone is going to conveniently forget about all of this when the Diablo II remaster comes out. You wait and see.

Complain all you want, complains. Bobby Kotick can’t hear you over the sound of his moneyyyyy.

Interesting, thank you. I agree with your points and they would definitely be of huge help. Maybe I’m just a bit traumatized, haha.
EDIT: And yeap, I hadn’t thought of that, Chávez maimed the Metropolitan Police (who weren’t good guys at all to begin with), and didn’t actually do anything else. I hope everything turns

I’ve been reading with interest the comments here with no horse in the race, as I don’t live in America. I do come, however, from a nation where cops are (as they’re always), utter pieces of shit but the president at one time, Hugo Chávez, defunded the police at the capital for political reasons (the mayor of the city

Direly missing the point.

This crap. I hate it.


Never forget.


Fucking covid, man.

Why is Zombie Army 4 a bad game?

This will keep happening with everything, and I do mean everything.

I think the interesting stuff is probably there, it doesn’t doesn’t align with the politics of the reviewer.

The author wants the game to be a political piece. And that’s not only not the goal of the game: it has never been advertised as such.

Oh, yes.
Also, Warcraft 3 Reforged. Blizzard is an specialist now at advertising stuff that never appears on the finished product.

Hahaha, I do get what you mean. Indeed!

You had to go down if you wanted to end the main game, but the quests were really ambiguous about what you had to do. Some (The Halls of the Blind, Poisoned Water Supply) were just about walking and exploring the dungeon. But others (Ghardbad the Weak) are not that obvious, especially when you’re a kid.

There’s really no “right way” to game, it’s really what you prefer. And to those who say “Diablo is a bad example, you just have to go down!”, I can see you never had a mushroom in your inventory while you just stared, wondering what the hell is this for, or if you’re missing something in the dungeon or if the answer

I’m also pretty fine with the writing. And yes, I love Wasteland 2.