Chad Robertson

Tim Cook:Do not try and bend the iPhone...That would be impossible. Instead, only try to realize the truth.

It ain't what a man don't know that makes him a fool; it's the things he does know, that ain't so. (Billings)

I'd only change to "don't hit" without an emphasis on gender. No one should hit another person.

I've always preferred that spin on the Golden Rule. More empathetic.

"What is hurtful to you, do not do to another."

Seconded, way too many kids don't know how to safely handle animals.

Give others the benefit of the doubt. Don't assume someone else's rudeness, lack of consideration, or outright nastiness in the moment is their typical behavior. Consider they might be having a difficult day or an off moment. They deserve another chance — and often compassion.

A big rule in our house is to apologize sincerely when we do something wrong, and to ask "What can I do it make it right?".

Another helpful tip: Don't bother debating people who have no idea what proper debate actually is. It's fine to engage someone in debate if they display the proper respect for logic and causality, but frankly speaking, there are many, many people who couldn't care less. For those people, the winner of any debate is

This is actually philosophy's gold standard, where it is called the "Principle of Charity". You don't want to strawman your opponents argument, because first she can easily refute it and second it's less fun.

When Sagan explained the Cosmos as "all that is or was or will ever be", he was explaining the concept of the original Greek meaning of the word. The word Cosmos doesn't equate to the Standard Model or any concept that our current understanding of things is absolute - It is a blanket term for "the totality of all that

Mostly I argue online so all the stuff they've said is still there in broad daylight (as it were). So people will say, "I've answered all your questions!" and I say, no, here's my reposted list from ten minutes ago, and they say, "I've already answered those I guess you can't READ."

I try this, only to get something like, "that's not what I said!" and if I try to clarify or ask them to narrow their point, I get, "Geez can't you READ/LISTEN? I already SAID that!" That is my biggest problem with most debates, next to the other person declaring that they've addressed all my points or answered all

Reading the headline in the news feed, I came here ready to point out that the "Steel Man" tactic isn't for arguments, it's for debates. Finally got to read the article and I'm glad it's clearer, because there's no way I'm allowed to run through my wife's points and then make my own during an actual argument.

I like the hopelessness expressed in these pics. I like the damage. But as a geek, I need to be horrified as only a geek *can* be. Show me a Nexus tablet sunk in a bathtub, discovered after two hours. THAT is devastation, so much so, I'd never create the pic myself. But I don't mind looking at the suffering of others.

If you like this stuff, you should definitely look up concept art from Crysis 2 and 3. Almost all of it is sweet, overgrown dystopitan New York glory. (I haven't actually played the game yet myself, but it's on my list).

The RESPONSIBILITY of Society is to take care of the poor and give them the opportunity to educate themselves, anything else is simply being horrible selfish human beings.

They say that those who say money doesn't buy happiness, never had... blah blah blah.

The golden rule IMHO is live below your means, don't try keeping up with the Joneses. And always ask yourself if you really have to have what want, versus what you need.

When I want something, I go all out in a mental immersion, I

Except "value" shouldn't be measured the same way by everybody.

In some cases, startup time is lessened and overall performance might go up, though in these days of SSDs, I don't know if that matter's so much.

To a large degree, tweaking services and removing software components acts as a calmative for hardline geeks who cannot stand *anything* running when it's not needed, or have