Chad Robertson

For the services rendered to Google Voice, I think it is still worth it to use it even if the updates are far and few in between. It is what I use when I travel internationally and cannot use my phone. Hop on wifi and I can see all the messages that were sent to me and call out as well. Although the app (for

So will this allow me to achieve my paranoid vision of being able to make a custom voice trigger like "Good evening, Officer" and have it trigger an audio recording app?

I was disappointed, too. Where are the robots exploring and building on other planets? Where are the exotic looking robots that were designed to walk like insects or to go from 2-legs to 4 and back again? I was hoping for something beautiful and inventive - something that inspired dreams of an amazing future. That's

Okay I can appreciate that you need an office suite to work, but there's just no way you checked out the new version of Docs and Sheets already and confirmed that the changes they made—that are literally all about moving features from QuickOffice to Google's apps—are unsatisfactory. I mean, I've been pretty

This thread couldn't have come at a better time. I've been a faithful reader here for years, and I've gone from being poor to making what you posted as the "perfect salary for happiness". I'd like to think that Lifehacker's get-it-done ethic has helped me become what I am today, although I can't think of any specific

I did this, but not for the sake of my privacy. I did it so that there would be one less component to remind me how much my Inspiron can suck.

I guess once you go minority

They could help you cope with those feelings. They could give you new ways to think about things or let it go. Or better communication skills. Or even justify your feelings. I also like reading anything by the Dalai Lama because he talks about letting go of hate because it's like "drinking poison and hoping the

You think men are made to be attractive to women in games. Nope. They are made to be attractive to men, ie they want to see a big strong guy save the poor helpless girl. And do you seriously think that game designers give men "nice clothes and cool cars" for women? You think us ladies are going, "Oooo look at that

Direct the anger towards real strip clubs. I grew up playing gta games, watching campy action flicks, all the violence and hypersexualisation of the 80's and 90's. I don't objectify women, or abuse them, or siply look at them as objects.