Chad Robertson

Somebody needs to do this as a youtube video.

Buying another gadget helped me with this. I bought a tablet and it's one of the better investments I've made. Right up there with my second monitor.

Boy, all those celebrities that Apple marketed their iCool devices to really could have used this advice.

Appreciate the reply. This doesn't seem to work in two particularly important . . . no make that three instances.

I apologize. Re-reading my post I realize that my post is missing what I meant to communicate.

"Principle of Charity". Seems rather lacking in our current social model. Going to have to look into that.

Also what happens if you don't have a good faith audience? Imagine trying to argue to the town of Salem that these young women are not in fact witches, and furthermore there's no such thing as witchcraft.

So what's the strategy then for correcting a misconception?

Well I would like to first say that a civil debate is something that I have never experienced. Because one side is going to be winning and the losers will not be happy with that.

Except SOCIETY would never have gotten started (nor can it continue) if all its members believe:

Thanks for the list Thorin. Needed something to help my 12 year old (who's almost computer phobic) get properly organized for school. That's the number 1 comment on her last report card. Needs organization. Trying a couple tools here, and in the Windows Pack for students.

;-) Which is why you are the inimitable Whitson, and I'm just me.

Seriously, no offense. But lifehacker tends to have an open source bent (so much so, that in this very thread people are debating the relative merits of MSOffice v. open-source variants), so I've never been able to figure out the lifehacker seeming obsession with the kindle app. Calibre seems to be far superior in

Whitson, thanks for these. Added to my rotating desktop.

Maybe take them off the list. They look nice, but the controls and gameplay are meh. The first one was great. Except for the what the enemies look like.

That scared me so much that I actually got up and went looking for my tablet despite that nobody who lives with me would be crazy enough to drown my baby. But you never know. . .

I wish I could rec this 4X times.

No. I mean I'm able to see that the things I think are birds in the distance are actually sails on the horizon. That way I can tell the other villagers to bring out the spears, and use the smallpox blankets as kindling for the conflagration on the beach I hope scares off the other people who want to "trade".

I confess.

There's a lot of government websites (both state and federal) that I need to browse daily for work. Haven't used IE since. . .