ChaCha Rodriguez

It’s a thing of beauty. How much have you lowered it?

I love all the haters in here today. “HURR DURR wait until the BoP changer DURR” Your argument is basically that Ford made a race car that races really good within the rules for the race that it’s racing. So they need to be detuned and made not as good at racing so the others can race good too. Im sorry that Ford’s

I must be one of the few that was not really enthused by this, and I generally would be for an American manufacturer doing well there. The original GT40 story is fantastic, and I recommend reading about it if for some reason you haven’t. That said, while I like GT racing, I would have been more thrilled if Ford had

Hmmm, so you have the letters M, 3 (E), x, i, D, I, N, A, N to work with.

These guys have got to be the worst...

I’d pay good money for a David Attenborough narrated documentary on mustangs.

Isn't a 50 thousand dollar golf called and Audi?

At $60k+ there certainly is.

So weird, I totally got something in my eye(s) around the 1:30 mark...

It’s so dusty in here why is it always so god damn dusty in here.

I wish I could share this video with more people that’d appreciate its story. I’m sure plenty of people I know would just think its nice, but to me... It was just perfect.

Ugg, they need to put the new FA engine in the STI already.

Used G35. Thats the whole list.

Dear Germany,

If you need a loan to buy a car, you cannot afford it either.

Here’s mine. I’m done with Sapphire Black Metallic; it drives me nuts on my z4MC.

Can we be friends?